Ohio Poll: Romney, Obama Tied Among Likely Voters At 49% Each.
A new Cincinnati Enquirer/Ohio News Organization Poll reiterated what other polls have shown, which is that the president and challenger continue to be in an extremely tight race. A Rasmussen poll conducted Oct. 23 showed the two men tied with 48 percent, a Suffolk poll conducted Oct. 18-21 found them tied at 47 percent.
The latest Ohio poll shows President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney each with 49 percent support from likely voters. That’s a slip for the president, who took 51 percent of likely voters in the newspaper group’s September poll.
The results of this poll was published on the web today – October 28th, 2012 at 12:01 am EDT, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The political “contest” horary is based on this event. Intrade, the largest predictions market in the world, gives Obama a 67% chance of winning Ohio with Romney only a modest 33% chance. Therefore the President is clearly the Favorite with odds-makers and Romney the Underdog.
1st House: Obama Campaign
7th House: Romney Campaign
10th House: The Prize – Ohio Electoral College Votes
The Moon: The Ohio Electorate
In the horoscope, we have a consideration before judgment present with the Ascendant is near the sign boundary with 1 degree of Leo rising, a testimony that indicates it is still too early to render judgment on a winner in this political contest as there are still unforeseen developments to occur in this race that will impinge on the outcome. However, we can still gain insight into the state of the Ohio race since a horary represents an informational discharge of energy at the moment the question on the basis of the Hermetic dictum, “As above, as every now and again so below“.
The Moon in the horary figure sits atop of the chart conjunct the Midheaven in the impetuous sign of Aries, testimonies of a highly motivated electorate. However, the Moon is peregrine and void-of-course, testimonies that indicate that a sizable portion of Ohio voters are still uncommitted to one of the major candidates.
Leo rises in the horary figure – therefore the Sun rules the Obama campaign. The Sun is in Scorpio, strongly placed in the 4th House making an applying sextile to Pluto, a testimony that the Obama campaign has a very strong ground game in the Buckeye State. However the Sun is peregrine, combust, and besieged between Saturn and Mars in the horoscope, devastating testimonies for the Favorite that augurs serious trouble for the President.
Aquarius is on the descendant of the horoscope, therefore Saturn rules the 7th House of the Romney campaign. Saturn is also strongly placed in the 4th House and trine Pluto, testimonies that Romney’s ground campaign is determined to win the Buckeye State and is allocating tremendous resources to remain competitive with the Presidents superior ground campaign. However Saturn is also is lacking composite dignity – peregrine, and makes no aspect to the the ruler of the 10th House, indicating that Romney still has an uphill fight in a state that is key to his victory 9 days from now.
Conclusion: Still little clarity on who is winning the Ohio presidential race. However the horary testimonies argue that the President voter base is depressed and Romney’s voter base is stronger then the polls suggest. Case in point is Hamilton County, which envelops Cincinnati and was for decades a Republican stronghold until President Obama won it, just barely, in 2008. Most political pundit agree that Romney isn’t likely to win Ohio without also winning Hamilton County.
So what do the numbers here show?
Early and absentee voting here among those classified as Democrats is up 7% over 2008, to 17,454 votes as of Friday. At the same time, it’s up 50% among those classified as Republicans, to 21,182 votes.