2016 Presidential Election Winner: Analysis

As the Primary race transitions into a General Election campaign, I have to say something before a certain astrologer puts words in my mouth about the election. So please bear with me here.

Based on my political black box model forecast projections and the excellent mundane forecasting work of Theodore White, it’s highly likely Trump will win the popular vote.  (Surprised? Why?)  However, I’m holding off on making a prediction that Trump will win the electoral college vote and go on to be President for now because of the Democrats’ structural demographic advantage in Pennsylvania and the Rust Belt Swing States like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio.

That being said, one scenario that is possible — based on the Jupiter-Pluto square alignment this November — is the possibility that the Electoral College winner will not receive the plurality of the nationwide popular vote.

In elections, a majority (or popular vote) happens when more than half of the electorate votes for one candidate. For example, if a candidate gets 50.1% of the vote, she gets a majority. A plurality happens when less than half vote for a candidate that wins because the vote is split among more than two candidates.

Now, before you think this rarely happens, and just won’t happen again because Skeptical Political Astrologers keeping telling you this, keep in mind the following:

  • 2000: Al Gore won the popular vote but George W. Bush won the electoral vote.
  • 1888: Grover Cleveland won the popular vote but Benjamin Harrison won the electoral vote.
  • 1876: Samuel Tilden won the popular vote but Rutherford B. Hayes won the electoral vote.
  • 1824: Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but John Quincy Adams won the electoral vote.

Also of note, due to third party candidates, the following Presidents won with a plurality, but not majority of the popular vote:

  • 1996: Bill Clinton
  • 1992: Bill Clinton
  • 1968: Richard Nixon
  • 1960: John F. Kennedy
  • 1948: Harry Truman
  • 1916: Woodrow Wilson
  • 1912: Woodrow Wilson
  • 1892: Grover Cleveland
  • 1884: Grover Cleveland (He won a plurality 3 times in a row, but still lost the EC in 1888)
  • 1880: James Garfield
  • 1860: Abraham Lincoln (with 4 major contenders, his 39.8% was the lowest plurality ever. Technically, John Quincy Adams won with a lower percentage of the vote, 30.9%, but the plurality was held by the loser Andrew Jackson at 41.3%)
  • 1856: James Buchanan
  • 1848: Zachary Taylor
  • 1844: James K. Polk

Now, if the vote between Hillary and Trump is fairly close, say 51/49, the Electoral College can give the advantage to the 49, which it is designed to do, to give an advantage to the small states.

Based on this fact, it is likely that Trump will do better in small states than in the larger ones so that any Electoral College upset is more likely to be in his favor than against.

To conclude, I think it’s fair to say this is Trump’s election to win and Hillary’s election to lose, and any astrologer telling you otherwise is just pontificating and making a prediction by proclamation rather than looking at the mundane astrological portents and political secular polls and economic trends.

This is going to be either a Reagan-Carter 1980 race or a Bush-Gore 2000 race at this point in the campaign.


• I am more committed to the truth and outcome of political contest than my own political expectations or preferences.
• I call it as I see it, not as I want it.
• I have been a registered Independent since 1984.
• I am a political atheist; I don’t believe in political parties.

Political Contest Horary AstroProbability and the 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election
Tracking probabilities for the winner of the seven battleground states in the 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election from Nate Silver’s Five Thirty Eight, PredictIt.com, Axiom Strategies, and Political Contest Horary AstroProbabiliy generated by a team of political contest horary astrologers led by mundane astrologer William Stickevers.

11 thoughts on “2016 Presidential Election Winner: Analysis”

  1. Your view that there could be a discrepancy between popular vote and end result is interesting.
    I have been predicting a Trump win for over a year and backed him at 40/1.
    I feel Uranus and Jupiter making aspects to his Sun and Moon is a stronger astrological statement than anything Hillary has, particularly when you see those planet’s natal positions.
    C Capricorn

    1. I agree with all of that. Again, it comes down to the structural challenge that Trump must overcome in the Rust Belt States. However, should the economy continue to slow down or we experience a major correction in the markets, that will galvanize the turnout for Trump to overcome the demographic hurdle in those Rust Belt States.

  2. Willie Wonkiewicz

    The EL-ectoral College is a manipulative institution which adheres to the mindset that Stalin held; “He who cast the vote decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything!”
    The first thing Donald Trump should do when he gets into office is to
    1. Have the treasonous persons who have ruined this country arrested and tried; (& he knows who they are,…)
    2. OUTLAW The EL-ectoral College completely, and stay with the popular vote, as such steals the popular votes from We the People.

    1. That may happen again. With the Jupiter-Pluto alignment happening on Election Day, we may see a very similar scenario play out with the next president being selected rather than elected, which would favor Hillary, of course.

      1. Norman Scherer

        Actually with the Supreme Court down to 8 justices, a repeat of the 2000 election could result in a tie vote by the High Court. What happens then?

  3. Pingback: 2016 Presidential Election Winner: Analysis | HISTÓRIA da POLÍTICA

  4. Turns out Hillary won with a tight 47.7/47.5 vote split, but Trump ended up with a 74 electoral vote advantage. As you posited, he cleaned up with the smaller states.

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