An excerpt from the GTA Member Webinar on November 1, 2024.
Transcript edited for print.
Year of the Dragon Long Shots That Are Now Reality
We know the Chinese Year of the Dragon brings unexpected developments. If people question whether these developments are truly unexpected, consider this: RFK left the Democratic Party, along with Tulsi Gabbard and two other key, powerful Democrats.
RFK is like living history for the Democratic Party—a living institution. He leaves and gives a speech that devastates the party. I’m actually going to turn that speech into a poem and put it out there for all the skeptical astrologers who always defend the Democratic Party.
That kind of move is unexpected. If someone had bet me a thousand dollars that RFK would do that, or that Tulsi Gabbard would leave the party too, I would’ve said no way.
Then there’s Elon Musk. He supported Democrats all the way up to 2022, but now he’s left, supports Trump, and will even be part of his administration while running multiple companies—along with building an AI initiative to ensure America dominates the AI market, landing on Mars, building a base, and creating a missile shield.
If someone had told me all of this would happen, I might have said it’s possible because it’s the Year of the Dragon, but still, those are long shots. Yet, here we are—long shots are happening.
There are so many examples. If someone had told me Iran would launch missiles at Israel, I’d have laughed. Historically, Israel and Iran have never been at war. But now? Missiles fired, counter-strikes—it’s happening. And I can list off a whole bunch of others.
Previous Dragon Years
These unexpected, unprecedented developments define the Year of the Dragon. Massive reversals in the narrative occur when you least expect them, often at the most
inopportune moments.
It reminds me of the Bush vs. Gore election in 2000 (Year of the Metal Dragon), or even more so of 1988 (Year of the Earth Dragon), when Michael Dukakis was 17 points ahead in the polls just two weeks before the election, only to see George Bush win in a landslide.

Election Predictions: Early Results and Key Indicators
Looking at the chart, I thought, assuming the deep state doesn’t pull a fast one—which is tougher to do now but still possible—we’re likely looking at a tight race with an early outcome. Not every race will be immediately called, but we’ll have a clearer picture earlier than in 2020. Key states have faster ballot processing and reduced mail-in voting, which addresses the delays from last time.
By the way, certain states have been allowed to count votes after election day. However, the Federal Election Commission has made it clear that only ballots postmarked by November 5th will be counted. Anything received after say 5 PM on that day doesn’t count. This creates a more predictable pattern at the country level, as past voting consistency across regions can now help us better anticipate outcomes.
Potential Delays and Key Dates to Watch
The only potential delay could come from congressional results in California, where some districts might take weeks to finalize. Even so, I expect a clear outcome by early morning. For example, Arizona might be trending red, and Trump could be ahead, but official confirmation might take another 10 days.
However, by November 6th, around 12:30 a.m., when Uranus is on the midheaven for Washington, D.C., it will likely be clear who won Pennsylvania. While states like Michigan or Arizona might still be counting, the overall outcome—whether Trump or Kamala won decisively—will be evident.
The Difference Between 2024 and 2016
That said, there’s no evidence that Kamala will win decisively. And the more I look at this stuff, the more it reminds me of 2016. Back then, I was one of the few astrologers who predicted Hillary would lose and Trump would win decisively in an electoral college landslide. And he did. While it wasn’t technically a landslide, it was close. He even almost won the national vote.
Now, Trump is much stronger than he was in 2016. Kamala, by contrast, is a much weaker candidate than Hillary. Trump has more money, a stronger team, and greater momentum. Kamala’s campaign is a mystery—we don’t even know who’s running it. Meanwhile, the economy is much worse now than it was in 2016. Inflation is worse. Everything is worse. Compare your financial and business life from then to now—it’s clear things are harder.
Astrological Insights: The Forces Behind Trump’s Strength
Given this much more chaotic, uncertain, and volatile environment, it’s just clear to me that Trump should smoke Kamala. Like completely blow her out. So it’s a mystery to me why he’s only ahead by 1% in Wisconsin, which always votes to the right of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania polls have been solid for him. All his indicators—his black-box data, all his indicators, all his transits—are strong.

And if you just wanted to do very simple, unsophisticated astrology, you’d notice that transiting Jupiter is right on Trump’s natal Sun on election day. And Uranus is on his midheaven. Does that indicate the sudden unexpected, decisive, catastrophic defeat that MSNBC is predicting? Or does that show an upsetting, very controversial, but decisive win?
In other words, Uranus there suggests a disruption, a political earthquake. It’s as if Trump is the political Godzilla, unleashing his force on Washington and the radical left with nothing stopping him. This is a classic example of Uranus on the midheaven.
Why do I use Godzilla? Because where’s Uranus? Right on Trump’s Algol, the fixed star associated with powerful, unstoppable forces. If Godzilla was real and he had a chart, he would have the sun or his midheaven or his ascendant conjunct Algol. There’s no doubt. He’s like the hero, anti-hero Titan.
You also have Jupiter hitting his natal Sun-North Node conjunction. That’s his lunar node—he’s an eclipse baby. So it’s activating his eclipse point.
Just using simple astrology, he should be wiping her out. There should be no contest here.
The Role of Fear and Chaos in the Election
This is where I believe Trump derangement syndrome is playing a significant role in driving this election. There’s massive fear that if Trump regains power, it spells trouble for the deep state, the neocons, and the neoliberals—they’re all at risk.
As I mentioned earlier, things are only going to get more chaotic as the election unfolds. I see this election happening in two distinct phases. The first phase is what takes place on November 5th. The second phase runs from November 5th to January 6th, when Congress has to authenticate and finalize the results.
During this time, Kamala Harris will have the final say. She’ll be the one to officially approve the election by putting the final rubber stamp on the Senate’s confirmation of the electoral college.
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A trends forecaster, William’s annual global forecasts are backed by a deep study of economies, geopolitics, archetypal cosmology, and modern astrological forecasting techniques. William’s predictions for the outcome of the U.S. Midterm and Presidential Elections are well documented on his blog.
William Stickevers is a strategic astrological advisor, advising clients from 28 countries for over three decades with strategy and cosmic insight and foresight to gain an asymmetrical advantage in their investing, business planning and decisions, and to live a more fulfilled life according to their soul’s code and calling.
William has been a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and The Jerry Wills Show, and featured on The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes and JV Johnson, We Don’t Die Radio with Sandra Champlain, Supernatural Girlz, Paranormal Podcast, and Alan Steinfeld’s New Realities. An international speaker, William has lectured at the New York Open Center, Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), two Funai Media events in Tokyo, Japan, the United Astrology Conference (2018), for the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey, San Francisco chapters), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Europe (Munich and Bucharest) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama).
More information on Programs, Consultations and Forecast Webinars are at his website