Presidential Election Predictions on “Mark The Rabbit Hole” Radio Show with Mark Metheny 2016 (PART 2)

Continued from Part 1
Transcribed from “Mark The Rabbit Hole” Radio Show with Mark Metheny.  Guest: William Stickevers (Airdate: October 6, 2016)
Blackbox Career Graph for Donald Trump, August to November 2016

William Stickevers: Although the Blackbox forecast shows Trump having the edge going forward, I do think he needs to be [more] “Trumpzilla” the second time around he debates Hillary.  He really needs to be the guy he was when he defeated Cruz badly in the [former] debates.

The Blackbox forecast model is a system that can’t be modified, based on my or anyone else’s opinion.  It’s showing that Trump gains traction and as of late he has been pulling ahead.  He evened up [the race] by the 10th of September, and he will continue to gain traction.  It’s a slow but steady climb, but  he peaks the Sunday before Election Day, and then he drops slightly.

Blackbox Career Graph for Hillary Clinton (8:02am), August to November 2016

However,  he’s way up there [and ahead of Hillary] if you compare the graphs to each other.  As you  can see, the closer we get into late October everything supports Trump.  So Trump’s support levels in terms of the personal astrological trends, the mundane astrological trends, the secular political trends, and the changing demographic trends are improving.  And the Blackbox forecast also implies pulling in other other mundane indicators that we’re going to see a record-breaking huge turnout this time.  And the mainstream media and  everyone else is talking about black voter turnout, and the minority voter turnout . But  let me tell you something else, white voters haven’t turned out in large numbers for a candidate since Ronald Reagan [back in 1980 and 1984] who won on the two greatest landslides of all time.  And that’s when the American economy was down in the dumps, as it is again today.  So I’m foreseeing a turnout as big or bigger than Reagan’s 1980 turnout  based all the mundane portents, including the Blackbox forecasting models, while most astrologers and everyone else in the mainstream media continue to  just underplay it,  saying essentially, “Oh well if there’s a big white turnout they’re going to go for Hillary.”  Nope.  No no no no. They’re going to turn out and for Trump.

There’s another graph on the Bernie voters in which they did a very extensive 6-day polling in many of the key battleground states on Bernie Sanders voters.  And I’m going to tell you something, and I posted this earlier today on Facebook —  you’ll be shocked — and  what it’s showing is that like 15-18% of voters in Nevada, in Colorado, in many of those key battleground states are voting for Trump at this point. Now, Mark,  I know you followed Bernie’s campaign closely,  and I know a lot of astrologers did, as we once had that discussion on what the Bernie voters are going to do come the General Election.  So this is some of the evidence coming in.


For Florida, 18 percent of the Bernie voters — 18 percent are going to go for Trump!   And when they did these polls, these were people who were certain of who they are going to vote for, stating that they were 82 percent certain they were not going to change their mind. Fifteen percent of Bernie voters in Nevada are going to vote for Trump.  Ten percent of Bernie voters are going to vote for Trump in Rhode Island.  And seven percent of Arizona voters are going to vote for Trump.  Keep in mind these are people who not only supported Bernie but actually went out and voted for him.

USC Dornsife LA Times Presidential Election Poll

Now, the kickback or the argument would be “Well, that’s less than 20 percent. Right?” But here’s the point: Trump right now is tied or slightly ahead in those states.  He is tied in Florida, and Nevada, and slightly ahead in Arizona.  And here’s the thing — Hillary is going to need every vote she can get.  Every “Bernie” one.  In fact, looking at this data Donald Trump is doing better than Jill Stein and Gary Johnson combined.

This supports my astrological theory that the Uranus-Pluto populist trend for emancipating and empowering the electorate [that Bernie also represented as well], and using whatever means necessary to do so is still alive and thriving in this campaign

So the question is, what does this data support?  This supports my
astrological theory that the Uranus-Pluto populist trend for emancipating and empowering the electorate [that Bernie also represented as well], and using whatever means necessary to do so is still alive and thriving in this campaign.  And even that disenfranchised group who knew that their candidate should’ve gotten the nomination is going to have its day at the polls.  So I’m telling you that the political blow-back is coming [in a big way] and many natal  astrologers may be really shocked at what we will soon witness [on November 8th].

With my Political Contest Horary  Astrological Dream Team group — where we do political mundane forecasting, and actually take all the poll numbers and correlate them with the  Vegas odds-makers, to make Political Contest Horary snapshot — working independently, we are coming to very similar results. I have an astrologer [working in our group] in London [Joyce Lambert]; she’s a great horary astrologer. And I have another outstanding astrologer working with me in Denver [Justine M. Rowinski]. We also have some additional astrologers on our team that just check out our work from time-to-time, and the conclusions that we’ve been coming up with are pretty much the same. What we’ve been projecting — it’s almost embarrassing to say — is that we project a Trump landslide.  And we’ve been seeing this trend developing since late July, and I have been going on to myself like “Oh, this can’t be true, oh no no no no no no, the election has to be a lot closer than this, this just cannot be true!”

But at this point, I do want to say this:  folks, I was on the Kepler College discussion panel as a  invited guest astrologer to speak on the on who would be the next president , and although everyone present made a great presentation, the one thing that I stated at the end of the show was that Pennsylvania will be the state to watch in the coming weeks ahead. Because if Hillary Clinton loses the state of Pennsylvania she cannot win.  She cannot win the election; it’s just impossible for her to win based [on the electoral college score card of getting 270 votes].

2016 US Presidential Election Electoral College Projection Map - William Stickevers and Political Contest Horary Dream Team
2016 US Presidential Election Electoral College Projection Map – from William Stickevers and Political Contest Horary Dream Team, as of October 6, 2016

So here’s the current Electoral Collage  projection map.   Now this map,  is not just something I came up with on a whim. This map projection is a result of my Political Forecasting Horary team’s judgment calls and work.  If you look at my website you’ll see we’ve been showing different permutations and changes of the map, but it hasn’t changed all that much since June. In fact, we’ve been very conservative.  Where we felt that it was to close to call, we always gave it to Hillary.  So we’ve been giving Hillary the edge the entire time, even though technically it’s something you shouldn’t do in forecasting.  But in the too-close-to-call horary judgments we’ve always handed it to Hillary.  And even with doing that,  we’re STILL seeing Trump decisively winning from an electoral college standpoint.


And for those of you who doubt everything I’m saying, that just can’t be so, and in a way  I don’t blame you.  But realize, and Mark can attest for this and it’s on my website, that this method of who would win and lose all 98 primary races is 87 percent.  So in regards to the General Election, we’re either 87 percent right on this, or we’re 87 percent wrong.  So I really took the Political Contest Horary Dream Team to task, and I said we really need to figure out what’s going on in Pennsylvania. We did four horary snapshots based on different polls and changes in Vegas Oddmakers, and the result of every horary snapshot of the Pennsylvania race augured better and better chances for Trump.

But not only that. Let me explain something here. I really wanted to hold back and I didn’t want to say anything this early.  In fact, I had great trepidation last night about stating my forecast today.  I was thinking, “Should I really  push this Electoral College map out there”, ’cause I know I’m going to get a lot of heat from astrologers the world over saying “Ah, you’re going to be wrong, you’re going to be really wrong on this one.”  So I’m really sticking my neck out here.  But let me give you some other evidence why I think we might be right.

It’s very important to realize there are certain key counties, there’s certain what they call battleground counties.  These counties are bellweather counties in the sense that they have determine how their respective state votes, and what percentage they get reflects the outcome within one percent of accuracy. For example, we have in the state of Pennsylvania two counties in particular that fall within that example.  Axiom Strategies actually looks at the battleground counties and does polling snapshots every month just for those particular counties in each Battleground State.

So for the state of Pennsylvania, which is a must-win state for Hillary, we have Luzerne County and Northampton County.  And Northampton County is so accurate in determining the president in particular — both Luzerne but Northampton in particular is always within one percent of accuracy historically for the past four elections.  It’s actually 0.17 percent accurate on all the elections since 2000.  And right now Trump is ahead by eight points.  That’s implying that we’re going to see a landslide in November.

By the way, anything five points or over in this state is considered a landslide.  So we may see a landslide in Pennsylvania, and I felt much better about saying Hillary is going to lose Pennsylvania after looking at this data. And again, if she loses Pennsylvania it doesn’t matter about the rest of the states when you do the Electoral College math.  Pennsylvania  is a must-win state; it’s her political firewall.  And Trump is there a lot. When she’s taking time off, he goes to Nevada, Pennsylvania, Colorado in a single day. The following day he goes to Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida, then back to Pennsylvania.  He’s in Pennsylvania all the time.  And the campaign there has now hit critical mass.  So not only is he ahead eight points in Northampton County, he’s also ahead in Luzerne County which has a phenomenal track record as well, within 0.78 or 0.5 percent of accuracy — meaning almost perfect accuracy in the past four elections since 2000.  And Trump is ahead as of today by seven points.

Those two counties is a really telling thing.  So right now, the math, the logic, the astrology is all leaning and leading towards a decisive Trump victory come November.

Mark Metheny: Well, those are amazing numbers because, I mean, eight percent is quite a difference there.  I’m looking through the map here.  So what I’m hearing you say is that it looks like it could actually be a blowout across the board in Trump’s favor, but you’re being cautious in going that far.  Because all the tell-tale signs and numbers are starting to point that direction.

William:  Correct.  In fact, one of the things I’m really trying to do, and I remind my students of this — I try and live by what I say — is not to “nowcast” but to forecast.  So I’m not saying, hey, well, based on today’s polls and what I saw today I think it’s going to be a tight race and Hillary will squeak by because blah, blah, blah. No no no no no!  I’m using all the different tools, looking at all the forward bellweather states and bellweather counties, and they are indicating a decisive Trump victory.  And  another thing I want to mention that really sort of puts the nail in the coffin is, do you know the three states that if a candidates is  ahead in [the composite polling] there’s over a 90 percent chance they will likely win?  Forget the counties.  There’s three states, historically speaking, since 1896 that will make you the next president of the United States.  Do you know which ones those are?

Mark:  Is it Ohio, Pennsylvania, and, is Nevada the third one?  Or Florida.

William:  Well, that’s pretty close.  It’s actually Ohio, Missouri, and Nevada.  All three have an outstanding track record.  Ohio and Nevada have a 92-93 percent accuracy on picking the winner.  So if you were winning in those two states, you have around a  80 percent chance of winning.  But if you include Missouri and Ohio and Nevada, you’re now well over a 90 percent chance.  So a week ago Trump was ahead in Nevada, decisively.  And then CNN claims that he lost some support, but I’m not buying into that.  Trump is significantly ahead in Missouri.  He’s slightly ahead in Ohio.  In fact, Hillary is now denying that she’s shutting down her Ohio operation, and her campaign team stated she realizes she needs to put her energy into protecting her firewall in Pennsylvania.  So, Nevada is still very fluid, but the trends are showing well for Trump.  But just the fact that we have Missouri and Ohio in Trump’s camp puts you into the 75 percent probability, close to 80 percent probability of winning the election. Which, by the way, is pretty close to what the S&P 500 projection is: 86 percent.

Highest percentage for varying lengths of time for presidential elections, 1896–2012

  • Nevada – 1 miss (1976) from 1912 on (96.2%, slightly “too Republican“).

  • Ohio – 2 misses (1944, 1960) from 1896 on (93.3%, slightly “too Republican”). Currently the longest perfect streak.

  • New Mexico – 2 misses (1976, 2000) from 1912 on (92.3%, “neutral”). The state of New Mexico voted for the winner of the popular vote in 2000.

I could list of the statistics, and I’ll post something there for your group, but  I don’t want to get too deep into that because that it can get boring, and it’s beyond the scope of astrological forecasting.  But for those naysayers who’re saying that it just can’t be so, trust me — the evidence is compelling that those three bellweather states are very telling. Especially in terms of political forecasters who don’t use astrology, they’re looking at those states and the bellweather counties of  those states. And again, they’re all indicating Trump.

So, I think the astrologers need to really reframe their position on the election,  and stop embarrassing themselves by saying “Hillary wins no matter what….Hillary wins no matter what!”  It’s going to look foolish enough for the media, but the astrologers have enough going against them.

Mark:  So I just just want to put in perspective, a little bit of what I do and how it explains the stuff you have to deal with.

So, one of my other jobs is that I’ve worked in sports statistics since spring of 1985, so 31 years.  So I’ve worked on TV and radio sporting events for 31 years, and I’ve started applying that to astrology, so I have a trunk here full of charts of all the pro and a lot of the college sports teams, and I look at sporting events and everything.  So just so that people understand how difficult this is, I would just sit for, not necessarily hours, but I will sit for a long time just looking at the charts for two teams, and you almost have to fight what your preconceived notion is of what you think the outcome will be.  So when you’re looking at a horary, or an event, or an election, a sporting event, you almost end up — like what you’re saying, can this be real?  Because this is not what the media is telling me and what other people are telling me, this should not be so.  So, what you do with this is very difficult because you can get into these battles within your own head, if you get something very different than what my rational left brain is being told should happen.

So I just want people to know the kind of stuff that you have to go through to come up with a prediction or a forecast that is not what the mainstream would expect.  So that is a very difficult position for you to be in, so I feel your pain. (laughs)  And I just want everyone else to know how difficult it is.  And when you look the chart for a sporting event and a chart for the two teams, and I can just sit and split hairs and minutiae for days over stuff.  And so, for something to show up this obvious and contrary to what the status quo believes the outcome is going to be, that’s kudos to you and your group on that work.

William: Thank you very much, Mark.  I mean, I’ll tell you the truth. Last night I was up late and I just said, I don’t know what I’m going to say on this show, because the last thing I watched on TV was CNN saying, oh, people in Nevada who were going to vote for Trump have actually changed their mind.  They interviewed some people who said, “I saw the debate and that was such a disaster that I definitely have to vote for Hillary now.”  And first I was thinking, well, first of all, the debate wasn’t a disaster.  And it wasn’t that bad to turn off every voter in Nevada to turn the polls the other way around.  That’s number one.  Number two, I find it interesting that all of a sudden they’re saying, a week ago they were saying the race is tight, and now they’re saying Hillary is favored to win. It’s very clear to me what they are doing.  I hear these statements on NPR radio that the second debate may actually put the nail in the coffin for Trump.  I hear these things and you have to ignore it, and as an astrologer and forecaster you have to look at the data and be true to it.  And, Mark, I know what you went through with Bernie race, where you start having doubt,  and you start thinking to yourself, are you the only guy seeing this?  So, yeah,  you know, I could be wrong, but I’m being true to the data, I’m being true to the astrology, and I’m being true to the secular trends.  And from what I’m seeing this is not going to be a squeaker election, where its  going to come down to Ohio,  down to some obscure county where 4,000 votes determine the outcome like it did with Kerry and Bush in 2004.  No, I don’t see that happening here in 2016.  That’s not what I’m seeing.  I’m seeing more of a 1980 replay, if I’m right.  Or maybe not to that extent but something much closer to George Bush vs. Michael Dukakis.  And, folks, remember, at this time in October back in 1988, Michael Dukakis was 17 points ahead of George Bush, and George Bush won by a landslide.

Mark:  Was that because — that was one of the famous debates where Dukakis kind of got put in his place, wasn’t it.

William:  Yes, in fact Dukakis won the first debate.  You’ve got to remember, too, Dukakis was ahead by 10-17 points, depending on who was polling, from July all the way until late October.

Mark:  Right.

William:  So there was a lapse.  And what you’re seeing now is Trump surging slowly. It’s a slow but steady surge.  Hillary’s numbers are slowly declining, not collapsing totally but declining, and they’re at this parody point now.  Trump has much more upward to go.  We haven’t seen his numbers top.  And classically, in every race to date, he’s a great finisher.  He’s behind or second place, and then BOOM at the very end he pulls ahead and wins.  He’s like the “dark horse” Secretariat.

Mark:  Right, right.

William:  Right?  He’s very much like a dark horse.  A dark horse always stays in the back, right (laughs) — people are changing their bets by the third turn, and BOOM — he not only wins but he breaks records.  And Trump has proven himself to be a great finisher at the very end of election battles.  He doesn’t always poll the best and then boom — he comes out ahead, and he comes out breaking records.

And remember, folks — more people voted for Trump than voted for any GOP candidate, broke the records by 60 percent.  Fewer people voted for Hillary than voted for Obama in the 2008 primary, when the population was smaller.  Less people, significantly less people voted for Hillary.  And so we’re being told to believe — and even though people — when it came to the primaries — people voted less for Hillary than Obama, and Trump got far more than Romney did, far more than Reagan, and far more than anyone did, and blew out all the numbers.  We are led to believe that Hillary Clinton is still as strong as a candidate or stronger than Barack Obama, and Donald Trump is a weaker candidate than Mitt Romney.  That is absolutely absurd.  There is no data to support that.  And that is what the media, and the astrologers who basically parrot what they say, by and large, want all of us to believe.

Mark:  Well, the proof will be in the pudding, they say, but there’s — I think it is obvious to anyone who is honest with themselves will have to say it’s obvious that there is a disconnect between what we are seeing in the polls and what we are seeing around us vs. what the media is telling us is going one.  There’s definitely something not jiving there.

William:  Right.  And to tell you the truth — and I’m look at the polling data as well, you know that.  I don’t just look at the astrology.  I look at all the trends, I look at all the economics.  In order for Hillary to win the way the astrologers are predicting and the political pundits who’ve been wrong all along — remember, all the political pundits were wrong all along on almost every race.  They would’ve lost their shirts if they bet money.  And yet for Hillary to win the way they’re saying, we would need to see a surge happening about now.

Now that may happen, BUT that’s not what I’m seeing.  We would need to start seeing a significant, decisive, dramatic, watershed set of events occur in her favor that galvanize her campaign and have her surge in the polls, especially in the key battleground states.   And right now folks, she is losing momentum in the key battleground states. That much is clear.  She’s not campaigning at the speed  and intensity she needs to.  I mean, Trump hits so many places, he fills the place — 30,0000, 50,000, or 100,000 people at a time. The numbers are huge.  They’re bigger than Barack Obama’s was in 2008 — something else the media doesn’t want you to know.  And that is something else the astrologers don’t want to talk about.

So again, the evidence is overwhelming, and yet, many people want to pretend, you know, keep calm and pretend everything is normal.  Pretend and extend that this election is another version of  2008 for the Democrats all over again. That’s what the media pundits and a majority of the astrologers want you to believe about Hillary, all over again.


Mark:  Right, whereas the numbers are showing that there’s something very different going on than what the media is trying to assure us is going on, which leads the conspiratorial side of my brain — which is actually both sides — to say, okay, is there something up their sleeve?  Are they just trying, do they have something in the works and they just have to keep selling it so people don’t question the results.

William: Well, that’s a great question.  I actually think if we see a Hillary landslide and I have to be rebuked by the 50,000 astrologers assaulting my blog every month, worldwide, it would certainly indicate to me that some other  X factor is involved in the outcome of the election.  Stating that, I do believe the American oligarchy is extremely desperate, because you have to remember one thing — in order for global financial reset to occur — which is basically pulling out and replacing  the U.S.  petro-dollar and the U.S. Treasury bonds out of virtually every bank throughout the world — in order for them to be swapped by the International Monetary Fund SDR — it’s called Special Drawing Rights, world money . Now,  in order for that to occur, a debt jubilee would have to be declared, which needs to actually happen.  Because all the debt worldwide is unpayable, it’s stagnating, and destroying the currencies.

Also, they can’t keep zero percent interest rates going. And they, the oligarchy, can’t keep negative interest rates going; they know the financial system is going to come to a collapse.  So the only thing they can do is pull the dollar off as a world reserve currency and swap everything out.  For all of that to occur, they need to have certain trade agreements in place.  All these trade agreements that have been in place, and the new ones that are even more in depth that basically take away all national oversight and power away from countries, allow for a new global financial system to take over, not only at the international level but the national level, at the municipal level and at the local level, worldwide.  One currency for all countries.  And in order for that to all work and happen you need to have to TPP in place.  So I believe Obama is going to push that through.  And if he doesn’t achieve it, Hillary Clinton must and will achieve TPP passage.  Once we have a reset of — once those trade pacts are pushed through, then they’re going to invoke global financial reset shortly thereafter, within a very short amount of time.  So they’re basically going to implode the economies, and in doing so they are going to recapitalize the Central Banks with SDRs, and the dollar and all the other types of currencies will be, over a period of 5-10 year period, be completely discontinued.  Then, once they have that in place, they can have global governance.  And that’s really what they really have planned, and that is a one world oligarchical infrastructure in place. But first you need to do the economics.  Once you have the economics in place, things like nationalism and things like legal boundaries and state boundaries, or national boundaries really don’t mean that much.  And then you go from unilateral to a multilateral defense system, which is sort of what NATO is, even though it is still U.S.-dominated.

Also, they want to get rid of U.S. power, they want to marginalize U.S. military power as much as possible.  They want it to be on parody with China and Russia, and no longer to be the dominant country in the world.  And for all that to happen, thing things I have just described have to take place.

This stuff goes beyond the scope of what we’re talking about today, and I hope we will do a show maybe in the near future, but the key thing to remember is that the oligarchy needs to get Hillary Clinton in office.  She must win at all costs.  Without her winning, the oligarchy’s plan and policies that have been operative and put into place and rapidly being rolled out since 1992, will be completely disrupted by Trumpzilla, because he’s not going to play ball with them.  He’s even threatened to audit  the Federal Reserve, stating something like, “and if  I see that they are in the red, I am defaulting on the debt, I am going to default on the treasuries, on the bonds.” There’s going to be a jubilee, that’s  basically what he is saying. Along with “well, you may get a pension but it’ll be only 50 cents on the dollar.  I don’t care because I’m going to do what it takes to fix the economy and you can’t have an economy that is based on a debt-driven market model.”  He just may do it.  Everyone knows it, and no one wants to talk about it.  He knows it’s either going to happen organically when the debt implosion occurs, OR he’s going to push the economic red button and do it the way you would in a controlled demolition, like a Chapter 13 model, for all intents and purposes, on a national level.  And if that happens, China, Russia, Europe, and everyone who has our treasuries as a core asset will be screwed. But he is Trumpzilla and he doesn’t care.

So the oligarchy’s plan for a one world, unified — where the SWF, the BIS, Bank of International Settlements, is the underpinning central bank that basically carries out the agenda of the IMF, where you have a one world currency system.  That just can’t happen if you have a Trumpzilla occupying the White House.

Mark:  Agreed.  And that’s…  I mean, I guess we can really only guess beyond that what would happen.  We’re beyond at odds with Russia over the Syria thing.  You know, if he pulls the plug on… (exhale)

William:  (laughs)

Mark:  (laughs)  I don’t even, I don’t even know what this would all look like, to be honest with you after that.  Almost too many moving parts for my brain, I think.  (laughs)

William:  Well, I want to say one thing.  Everyone says this is what Trump is going to do if he becomes President., implying he going to be the worst president in the world.  Well, I don’t know if he’s going to be the worst president in the history of the world.  But I do know one thing. After looking up Trump’s personal biography and his natal chart (I’m sure you have Mark — I know Theodore White has) that  whatever he does, if he gets in office, it will be big.  It will be dramatic.  It will be rolled out fast, and be implemented unconventionally.  The implementation or the legal means by which whatever happens in his term in office will be unprecedented.  And he always seems to do things in a dramatic, big, and unconventional style in his biography with his love life, with women – in regards to his wives, with business, with money, and his social life.  He takes massive risk by rolling the dice, and he’s all in with all his money.  And that’s what he’s going to do  and what we are going to see if he gets into office.  He’s going to see things as they are now, roll up his sleeves, whatever he doesn’t like he’s going to throw his atomic political breath on it and everybody better get  out the way. We have never seen a president speak and say, “This is what’s going on; I’m going to tell you stuff you shouldn’t know but now you’re going to know.  And you’re going to understand why I’m going to push that button.  And when I do, everyone’s going to feel the pain.  But once the pain is over, then things will reset to normal.  Then we’ll have real price discovery.  Then housing prices will go back to normal.  Then people will be able to see their wages go up.  We’ll see a country that begins to export, and industries that decide to keep whatever manufacturing here that’s left, stay here and taxes that don’t stay in Ireland.”  And those types of things.

So you know, no one wants to push that button.  “Hope and Change” is gone and a thing of the past.  Now it’s Trumpzilla’s turn, and we’re Tokyo.  And he’s going to do what Godzilla does to anything in his way and no one can stop him.  And let me tell you something, he’s very convincing, not only to the electorate, he’s very convincing with business people.  He’s very convincing with women, he’s very convincing with men.  He’s got charisma.  I’m not saying Congress isn’t going to balk.  I’m not saying they’re not going to give him a fight.  But he’s not going to be a guy who just walks away, stays locked up in the White House and lets somebody else handle it.  This is going to be a guy the astrologers are going to be pulling their hair out over because they’re going to predict “this is what I think Trump will do” — and NO, he’s not going to do that.  Not at all.  Whatever the astrologers write about Trump, Mark, whatever they write — I’m just going to watch for a while — they’re going to be flat out wrong! Like they’ve been wrong so far about him so far.  If he gets elected, they will be wrong.  Because they couldn’t even call his nomination correctly, right out from the gate from the beginning.  They’re assuming he’s just going to be another version of whatever we’ve had in the past.  And what  I’m saying here is all bets are off for everybody, once and if Trumpzilla gets in office.

Mark:  I agree.  A lot of people when they talk about Trump, they talk about that Mars in Leo and everything, and to me, the first thing I see is that Uranus conjunct his North Node, and Moon, I believe it is.  I mean, to me that’s the true nature there of what he is and what we’re going to get, is that Uranian energy.  And that’s why they haven’t been able to shut him down, and why Hillary and others don’t know how to handle him.  Because it’s Uranus.  He is Uranus.  Period.  I don’t even care about that Mars in Leo.   He is Uranus.  He is chaos.

William:  Yeah, Trumpzilla is chaos with a secret hidden agenda. An enigma wrapped in a riddle. And everything you say about him, once you think you have him figured him out, will just make you a fool of yourself because, he going prove you [the astrologers] wrong again.

Now, I’m not saying this guy is genius.  I’m just saying that he is a wild card and he’s got a lot of talent.  Maybe it’s misdirected at times, but the guy has got a lot of talent and a lot of charisma.  What he just pulled off in getting the nomination is revolutionary in and of itself. The fact that he was behind the huge voter turnout, and even if he doesn’t win, it’s going to be revolutionary in and of itself.

There’s no going back to the Grand Old Party anymore; there is no Republican party now. The Bush dynasty is over.  And let me tell you something, I think he’s even destroyed the Democrats, because he’s really exposed them for what they are.  In fact, many, many of the Democrats I know are not voting for Hillary, okay, or they’re stepping out this time around.  So again, we are in the Twilight Zone. And we have never seen a movie or episode like this.

Mark, you’ve got to realize, I’ve been keeping quiet, and just posting my stuff, and having to go astrology meetings playing it low.  You know I’m the treasurer on the Board for San Francisco NCGR and you know how many speakers keep coming there  to lecture there telling me Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, as if Trump doesn’t even exist.  Here is the most common two sentences from most of the astrologers discussing the election in the chapter: “Can you believe this guy?  Let’s not even talk about him and discuss Hillary’s chart.”  I keep hearing this again, over and over and over.  And from my New York City friends, it’s almost the same! Now, that way I’m speaking here today may be a little bit over the top for some of your listeners, but that is only because this has been pent up energy where I’m seeing something so radically different.

Mark:  And nobody even wants to look at the numbers.  They just want to talk about what their preconceived notions are, which I’ve got to say I was completely wrong on — if we look back to January or February, I was completely wrong on how this was all going to go.  I figured the Republicans would try to throw somebody else in at the convention, especially when they all came out, and when your whole party is against you as it was at one point, and then he still — the thing that’s hilarious to me, all the people that are throwing certain stereotypes at him and at his followers, they so do not see what is driving this phenomena, and they’re feeding into it, they’re building it.  And they don’t see that the more that they do that, they’re actually raising the chances that he will win, and they’re actually feeding the fire.  So, yeah, I don’t have a horse in the race between those two, but it’s a completely fascinating psychological study for me.  Because at least at some point I had to say I am wrong; what I thought was going to happen is not playing out that way.

William:  Mark, but you were almost right, and I have to hand it to you — you were one of the people who saw the populist revolution occurring, and you knew it was either going to be Trump or Bernie.  So it was going to be Bernie vs. Bush or Cruz, or Trump vs. Hillary.  The race we all wanted to see was populist vs. populist, and that never happens, that fight never happens.  It’s a fantasy fight.

Mark:  Right.  (laughs)

William:  So we don’t see — I’m trying to think of a good Rocky fight — we don’t see the Russian Ivan Drago fight Clubber Lang.

Mark:  Right. (laughs)

William:  They have to fight an established champion.  I mean, that would be a great fight, but (laughs).  And that would’ve a great election if we had [Bernie and Trump] going at it, and believe me, it would be a much closer election — if I’m right.  It would’ve been a much closer election.  So, we’ll see what happens.  I do understand that basically what I said is outside the comfort zone of many people listening to this program, and I’m generally —  I do this quite a bit.  I looked at Scotland, and people were saying, William, you’re going to be wrong about Scotland, and I called it right.  So, it’s not like I do this once in a while.

I’ll tell you one Political Contest Horary election that I’m really proud of.  There was a midterm election, there was an election between, the senatorial election in North Carolina, Kay Hagan.  She was way ahead, and the mainstream media predicted she’s going to win. I did the horary snapshot based on the polls and oddsmakers for the North Caronlina race and I  predicted that she’s not going to win.  It was clear that it would become a decisive win for her GOP opponent. And I was right, and many people asked, wow, how’d you call it?  Because I know this technique that I’ve been using since 2007 — and I keep tweaking and improving it — I know I can make valid calls, with 80 percent accuracy within 1.9 points within the margin of error in the polls.  And I may be wrong about some of the states, in the forthcoming election, but I’m pretty confident now that Hillary is going to lose Pennsylvania at this point.  And I know some people are going to call me and say, oh, no, that’s not what I’m hearing.  But, Mark, I have clients all over the country — as you know, I do a lot of forecasting — and I ask them would you tell me who you voted for in 2008?  And almost all say they voted for Obama.  Then I ask them if they voted  for Obama a second time, and there is a close split between Obama and Romney. But then I ask all my clients, especially the ones from your state, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and they’ll say, oh, no Trump.  They’re not thinking of voting for Hillary.  They’re voting for Trump, even though many voted for Obama twice.  My New York friends say, oh, I’m voting for Trump.  So, it’s my own unofficial poll from about 80 people from all different states who voted for Obama once or twice, but now,  are telling me they are voting for Trump.  Actually, two people said they are voting for Hillary.  So what does that tell you?

Mark:  That there is a monumental shift that is not being captured by the media or most of the mainstream astrologers or media of any sort.  They still haven’t figured out what’s going on, after telling us what’s going to happen for the last year.

William:  You know, I was on the phone with my mother today; she lives in Florida.  And that’s a must-win state for Trump.  And I asked her — she voted for Obama the first time, and I think she voted for Romney the second time, and some of her friends were split.  She sees what’s going on there with the campaign.  And I said to her this morning, you know, I hear Hillary’s numbers are improving in Florida, and she said,  “I don’t know why the news is saying that because  four years ago I saw Obama and Romney here, but now all I see is Trump.”  You don’t even see anything happening there with Hillary.  And she’s near the Orlando area.  And she says that everyone in her retirement village are all for Trump.  So I just heard this this morning, so I’m wondering, so where’s this Hillary surge in Florida coming from?  And she works at Walmart, she doesn’t need to work there, she just does it to keep busy, she has a very good pension.  But she talks to people, and she sees people in Walmart and she said they’re all in Trump shirts, Trump hats, etc. She says it’s like the election is going to be tomorrow.  So, that’s  Florida.  And I thought that was interesting.

Mark:  Right.  I’m seeing that here in Ohio too.  Probably three weeks ago or a month ago, we were saying, man, there’s just so few political signs.  I’ve never seen this few political signs.  Because usually once you get to after the conventions, that’s when they start going up, and there’s hardly been any.  And then in the last three weeks, there were Trump signs just going up everywhere.  We saw a dude with a big decked out Ford truck, he had it painted Trump and everything, and it’s like, counting yard signs and bumper stickers and stuff is not very scientific but looking at that, it’s like ten to one.  And counting yard signs and stuff, Gary Johnson is second.  (laughs)

William: (laughs)

Mark:  So, I don’t know, maybe Clinton gets people at the end or they don’t want to deal with the harassment or whatever they feel they would get.  I don’t know.  But just looking at yard signs and bumper stickers it is not split evenly at all.

William:  Yes, and you know, the fact that Hillary’s campaign is considering pulling out her entire Ohio operation is telling.  She’s denying it but this is what we’re seeing all over the internet now.  People are saying, yeah, she has to make a decision to pull out, they can’t keep sustaining the operations because they’re losing traction in other states.  They’re losing in the Rust Belt, and her campaign just can’t figure it out.  Because there’s massive underemployment and gigantic unemployment, and things have gotten worse in almost eight years since Obama’s taken office.  Not that it’s totally his fault, but the fact that his stewardship of the economy is no better, or as worse  G.W. Bush’s economy?  No, let’s not talk about that; that cannot be the case, right? (Laughs)

Mark:  Right.  Right.  (sigh)  I have to say, (laughs) for me, this has been by far the most fun and fascinating election, I think, of my lifetime.  (laughs)  I mean, maybe it’s because I don’t have too much of a dog in this fight, but I just mean, the people-watching and they psychology study has just been amazing.  (laughs)

William:  Absolutely.  It’s telling us a lot.  When you listen, and you see what’s going on, you realize that people are really desperate.  And I’m not saying that Donald Trump has the answer, because we don’t even know what that answer is.

Mark:  Right.

William:  We know that what he’s saying has nothing to do with what he’s really going to do.  Everybody knows that, too.  People say, yeah, yeah, yeah, he’s not really going to be build a wall; he’s just going to make sure the illegal immigration gets under control.  I mean, people say that.  People know that.

Mark:  Right.

William:  I mean, nobody cares about the fact that he doesn’t have to pay taxes because the tax law says if you take a loss, you don’t need to pay taxes until you’ve recovered from your loss.  I mean, that’s the tax law.  If you don’t comply with the tax law, you get audited, you get shut down.  The IRS does that faster than any agency.  People are not going to vote on that.  Let me tell you something, folks — putting the astrology aside for a moment — Hillary Clinton is desperate.  She needs to stop the Trump revolution in its tracks and she needs to make Trump unacceptable as an agent of change.  She needs to get it down in these next two debates that Trump is unacceptable as an agent of change, which she wasn’t able to establish in the first one.

She just sort of neutralized him, but she didn’t change, she lost the message on that.  Secondly, she needs — along with her campaign and the media along with the oligarchy all working in concert,  to keep people distracted from their determination to rid incompetent politicians who are ruling outside the [constitutional] rule of law, composed of a corrupt ruling class, a political class if you will,  that controls the capital and business infrastructure of the country.  So basically, they need to keep people distracted.

And the third thing is that they have to keep people distracted from the betrayal that the government, especially the Obama Administration, of what has happened to the American working class. They have to distract voters from the continued acceleration of the outsourcing and de-industrialization of the country.  To distract us from the loss of economic independence that America achieved by 1900, becoming the greatest economic superpower in the world.  By 1900.  You realize that.  From the Civil War to 1900, America out-produced all the countries in the world combined by 1900.  And by 1945 was the world’s greatest military, technological, industrial, cultural, agricultural superpower of all time.  And what is it today? A shadow of its former self!  So they have to keep people distracted and they have to keep this “extend and pretend” economic and financial policies going.

And let me tell you something else, folks, it is not the stock market. It’s the bond market, which is 17 times bigger than the stock market, which is going to implode.  Everyone keeps talking about this.  Why do you think Deutsche Bank is insolvent?  Why do you think Credit Suisse actually said today, oh, we’re insolvent too.  And Barclay’s said, we’re insolvent.  Because it has to do with all this leveraged debt on the bonds, and just injecting liquidity, and keeping interest rates at zero and or at negative percent level.

Keep in mind that you can’t have bonds continue when you have negative or zero percent interest rates.  And when that blows up, it’s the end of the banking system.  It’s the end of governance over the financial system.  So they have to keep the “extend and pretend” thing going and they have to keep distraction operations going, while Hillary has to make sure that she frames Trump as an unacceptable change agent for the country, regardless of what he says.

Most of the people out there are completely clueless about what’s really going on, I tell you. Many are living their little San Francisco bubble, or  New York City bubble — and you know what I’m talking about, Mark —  those privileged, entitlement folk who continue to act as if this is the year 2000 and this stuff is just irrelevant political posturing.

Folks, this is beyond a political posturing.  We have now is a revolution going on with this election. The question is, is this a Category 1 or 2 event?

Mark:  Right.  (sigh)  (laughs)  We could probably go on for another 10 hours here.

William:  (laughs)

Mark:  Let’s make sure we get your contact info with the time we have left.  While we have a chance here, tell everyone how they can get a reading from you or how to participate in your classes, tell people how to get a hold of you and what else you’ve got going on.

William:  Probably right now they’re all freaked out and saying, I’m not getting a reading from that guy!  The way he talks…

Mark:  (laughs)

William:  But the reality is that I tell it like I see it.  I tell it like I see it in terms of the context of your own life.  I provide solutions and strategies.  I’m not just a guy who says, oh, I think Pluto is coming to your Sun and it’s going to be a little tough time but you’ll get through it and call me in a year.  No, I’m not that type of astrologer.  I’ll call it like I see it.  I’ll provide you strategies.  I’ll give you insight.  I’ll get you out of your comfort zone to consider things you wouldn’t have considered.  I will prep you accordingly.  So don’t think I’m that type of astrologer that just leaves people high and dry.

So if I’m coming across in this interview that way it’s because I’m very passionate about what I’m saying and I’ve gotten a lot of kickback in a number of months because of what I’ve been seeing and constantly having to accept what the astrological community keeps pontificating, which is very contrary to what I’m seeing.

So, having said that, you can reach me at, or on Facebook.  Reach out to me, I’m very open to discussing things.  If you’re a staunch Democrat who believes Hillary wins by a landslide, that’s fine; I’m very open to what you believe, for I’m not partisan.  I don’t mean to offend anyone but I have to state the position.  We are beyond the point of plausible deniability, of extending and pretending, of just playing along with what we’re going to be told to do, pay out taxes, say nothing, just show up and pretend everything is fine.  That is over with folks.

Mark:  Yes.  I agree, and I think the next month will be fascinating to watch.  Kind of interesting that the first debate was on the day of a Pluto station.  The third debate, I believe, is on the same day of a Mars-Jupiter or Mars-Pluto conjunction.  But the second debate this Sunday, with the Moon in Capricorn and the Moon void-of-course.  So it just feels like there’s a lot of intensity on the first and third debates, and not that the one Sunday isn’t going to have intensity, but things that happen sometimes during that Moon void-of-course tend not to stick with people afterwords.

William:  I agree.  I don’t think the second debate is really going to determine the outcome of the election for the  undecideds in those seven battleground states.  I think, because Pluto is very prominent in the third debate and it’s making — for there are some very good aspects going on there, I think Trumpzilla is going to unleash his atomic breath.  You know, how at the end of Godzilla, you didn’t really know if he had that power.

Mark: Right.  (laughs)

William:  (laughs) Exactly. So I don’t want to give away the movie, but for those, we didn’t know if the new Godzilla had his atomic breath in the film, is  because he doesn’t show it until the most dramatic and most opportune moment, and then BOOM.

Mark:  (laughs)  Right.

William:  So that Mars-Pluto atomic breath, where the rage and the suppression — the people want Trump to nail her because she gets away with saying so much and she has moderators that protect her and she knows the questions beforehand.   But here’s the thing — the transits are really going to help Trump, and I believe Trump will triumph at the end on the third debate.  I believe that will be the moment when there will be “That’s it, I’ve made my decision.”  I also believe, folks, that something is going to start give  with the markets, and something is going to happen in the world, where there’s going to be a definitive crisis.  We’re already in a crisis with Deutsche Bank, we can’t go into that, we don’t have time.  But something is going to give and when those secular events set off, Trump is going to have better answers or at least he’s going to sound more convincing.  He may not have a plan but he’ll sound more convincing, he will do something about it.  He may not know what to do, but he’ll give the impression with that Mars-Pluto conjunction, I’m going to do this; I will do it.  And people will be convinced.  They want someone who’s going do something, because we’ve had a president, at least for the second term of Obama — you have to admit, Mark, for the second term, what has he done?

Mark:  Oh, nothing.  Nothing.

William:  Exactly right, nothing!  They want to see something dramatic, fast, and heroic.  They want to see a President that they see in the movies.  People want that.  And he’s going to act that out with “I will do it,” whatever that be, and I believe it will be with a brewing crisis.

Mark:  Right.

William:  So it doesn’t have to sound so crafted.  People don’t want to hear a perfectly crafted answer.  They want to hear something authentic, real, and be convincing that he really is going to follow through and do what he really says.  Right?  And once they’re convinced, they’re going to vote Trump.  I’m not talking about the people who’ve decided; I’m talking about the undecideds.  And I don’t even care about the California folks, or the New York folks.  I don’t care about New Hampshire folks.  All I care about is Ohio, Pennsylvania, I care about Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada.  I’m looking at those states.  Because once we know what’s going on in those states, that determines the outcome of the election.  Nobody else.

Mark:  I agree.  And that takes us to the bottom of the hour here, we’ve got about five seconds I want to thank my guest William Stickevers for spending two hours and enlightening with us, and we will have you and Theodore both back on later this year, early next year to see what’s going on.

William:  Thank you very much for having me, Mark.  It’s a pleasure; it’s always great and I look forward to seeing you on Facebook and talking with you otherwise.  Thanks.

Mark:  Absolutely.  Great info.  Thank you, William.


Mark the Rabbit Hole with Mark Metheny features the latest in Astrology news and great guests from the Metaphysical community. Every Friday at 12 Noon ET on WithInsightsRadio.


6 thoughts on “Presidential Election Predictions on “Mark The Rabbit Hole” Radio Show with Mark Metheny 2016 (PART 2)”

  1. Pingback: Presidential Election Predictions on “Mark The Rabbit Hole” Radio Show with Mark Metheny 2016 (Part 1) | WILLIAM STICKEVERS

  2. That is so interesting how you said that Trump had to return to his original “Trumpzilla” for the second debate and that’s exactly what he did. Great post, thank you! I especially liked the financial/trade details.

  3. The most refreshing expounding I’ve seen on these matters. This is why I stay away from status quo astrologers (I’ve studied 30+ years) and I find their bias overall to be deadening and draining. What a breath of fresh air you are! Thanks for encouraging my own heart.

  4. Hi William,

    This was very interesting to read, thanks for sharing. There is a lot you said which I think really makes sense. My perception on what is going in terms of Trump is very different from what the media consensus is (especially as someone who has voted Democrat). I have studied some astrology, but some people’s predictions haven’t really made sense to me…for instance, it’s hard to say that the Saturn transits to the Moon alone knock out Trump, when Hillary also has a Saturn/Moon transit at the same time. Perhaps Saturn could be represented as a straightjacket of hidden control while in the administration? Additionally, there is that Jupiter Return lingering there…I know this is a superficial read and there are many other transits to consider. And no, I’m not voting for Trump…it’s just that I have read predictions of Hillary automatically winning to be rather arbitrary, with people citing single, random, obscure measurements to fit their narrative. Anyway, these are just my humble thoughts, thanks for offering these insights…I am very quietly agree with some of your perceptions, and am very hesitant to voice them given the current zeitgeist. Thanks again!

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