The Partial Solar Eclipse today – September 13th, 2015, at 20 degrees Virgo – is occurring during the climax of the Biblical Cycle of the Shemitah that began in September 2014 during the unfolding Uranus-Pluto square alignments which gives it potent “archetypal” significance.
The dominant outer planet aspect in the Eclipse horoscope is the Jupiter-Neptune opposition. The Jupiter-Neptune cycle correlates with low industrial production and is also inflationary by nature. Mundane astrologer Charles Jayne wrote that Jupiter-Neptune aspects are deceptively most often involved with the distortion and dissolution of large-scale economies, and the failure of nations. Due to the erosion of justice and the moral breakdown of the “rule of law” with government and financial institutions, that led to fraud, corruption, inflation, and loss of the public trust.
Therefore, I believe this Partial Eclipse will augur the beginning of a global debt crisis, with the fall of the Financial Institution across the globe due in part to the unsustainable policies of the Central Banks. This debt crisis is likely to play out through a Black Swan financial event with powerful geopolitical implications that will spike market interest rates that will set-off a meltdown in the Bond Markets, as a daisy-chain of sovereign debt implosions begin to unwind invoking margin calls that invoke Credit Default Swaps in the OTC derivatives market.

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