New Moon in Capricorn

The New Moon on January 13, 2021 is conjunct Pluto. Archetypally, Pluto rules the process of breakdown, collapse, and destruction followed by transformation and regeneration in the cosmos. Therefore, the New Moon is likely to manifest as an impulse to heal and transform some aspect of ourselves and the world around us in response to a crisis.

The New Moon at 23°15′ Capricorn is only 1 degree from Pluto. Therefore, powerful subconscious forces and emotional drives are very much active during this period. Many will have an opportunity to bring these unresolved issues to light and to purge oneself of emotional and psychic garbage which may have rekindled since the recent December Total Solar Eclipse. Unexamined, these types of hidden issues or traumas may make one inclined to become obsessive or to act in ways that does not serve one’s best interest. Or one may find oneself reacting very vehemently and quite out of proportion to present circumstances. 

Pluto represents the impulse or urge to uncover what is hidden or beneath the surface of things and what unconscious motives operate in one’s life. If one is more conscious, willing to acknowledge and transform the dark side of their psyche, then this period will be about bringing the truth out of the shadows about what one’s life is about and to confront the darker, nastier, unsavory, ruthless and brutal (truth), and unredeemed side of people, oneself, and society during the period pain, change, and crisis.

In truth most will not be able to avoid this process. Many may have faced the death of someone close or the unexpected death or ending of someone else in the outer world.

Archetypally, Pluto represents aspects of the shadow within Absolution Consciousness itself, in what Stanislav Grof calls Cosmic Shadow: destructive and devastating forces within the cosmos that are purposefully set in motion that is a necessary component of the Cosmic Game, in order to invoke a release epochal forces of transformation that culminate in titanic evolutionary breakthroughs for humanity for the purpose of a higher cosmic plan for humanity.

William Stickevers is an astrological consultant, hypnotist, life coach, and business strategist, advising clients from 28 countries for over three decades with strategy and insight to live a more fulfilled life according to their soul’s code and calling.

A trends forecaster, William’s annual global forecasts are backed by a deep study of economies, geopolitics, archetypal cosmology, and modern astrological forecasting techniques. William’s predictions for the outcome of the U.S. Midterm and Presidential Elections are well documented on his blog.

In his Global Transformation Astrology (GTA) membership, William gives two webinars with Q&A every month with research and analysis of real-world economies, finance, and geopolitics with an archetypal and traditional and modern mundane astrological perspective. Plus a monthly Ask Me Anything session.

William has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes and JV Johnson, The Jerry Wills Show, and Alan Steinfeld’s New Realities. An international speaker, William has lectured at the New York Open Center, Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), two Funai Media events in Tokyo, Japan, the United Astrology Conference (2018), for the National Center for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey, San Francisco chapters), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Europe (Munich and Bucharest) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama).

More information on Consultations and Forecast Webinars are at his website

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