New projections will be listed here, ranging from politics to economy to arts and entertainment.
- US will not get involved in any new major war with death toll of > 100 US soldiers: 60%
- North Korea’s government will survive the year without large civil war/revolt: 95%
- No terrorist attack in the USA will kill > 100 people: 95%
- Assad will remain President of Syria: 90%
- Israel will not get in a major military congratulation or war (>100
- Israeli deaths) with any Arab state: 95%
- Syria’s civil war will not end this year: 85%
- ISIS will control less territory than it does right now: 90%
- ISIS will not continue to exist as a state entity in Iraq: 40%
- No major conflagration resulting in a full-scale regional war in the Middle East: 80%
- No major military conflagration in Eastern Europe between NATO and Russia: 90%
- Ukraine will not break into all-out civil war: 80%
- No major revolt (greater than or equal to Tiananmen Square) against Chinese Communist Party: 95%
- No major war between China and Japan over the Sakkuo Islands: 95%
- Major military exchange between the United States and China in the South China Sea: 30%
- NASA EmDrive (a device that produces microwaves to generate thrust and requires no fuel to be consumed is launched into space) is launched in space and successfully tested: 20%
- No major earthquake (>100 deaths) in US: 99%
- No country currently in Euro or EU announces new plan to leave: 40%
- France declares plan to leave EU: 30%
- Italian banking crisis result in near economic collapse in Italy: 45%
- Germany does not declare plan to leave EU: 99%
- The UK triggers Article 50: 90%
- Marine Le Pen is elected President of France: 52%
- Angela Merkel is re-elected Chancellor of Germany: 45%
- Theresa May remains PM of Britain: 90%
- Bitcoin will end the year higher than $1000: 75%
- Oil will end the year higher than $50 a barrel: 50%
- Bitcoin will match Gold in price this year: 45%
- Dow Jones will fall > 20% this year: 70%
- Dow Jones will fall >40% this year: 50%
- Dow Jones will fall >50% this year: 30%
- Gold to break out range and rise to $1,500 by the end of 2017: 60%
- Donald Trump remains President at the end of 2017: 99%
- No serious impeachment proceedings are active against Trump: 90%
- Construction on Mexican border wall begins: 90%
- Trump administration initiates prosecution of the Clinton Foundation: 90%
- US GDP growth lower than in 2016: 80%
- US official unemployment rate to be higher at end of year than beginning: 80%
- US does revokes membership to NAFTA : 60%
- US publicly disavows the One China policy with Taiwan: 25%
- US lifts existing sanctions on Russia: 90%
- Trump’s approval rating at the end of 2017 is lower than fifty percent: 80%
Astroprobability page only has a few months left in 2017, thus odds are based on logic alone? Sept-Dec.2017
All odds are based on Mundane Astrological methods. Odds will be updated on October 1st 2017.