According to Catholic doctrine, the Catholic Church was founded by Yeshua Ben Yosef -Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish teacher from Galilee in Roman Judea, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, baptized by Yohanan ha-mmarbil – John the Baptist, performed miracles, was crucified on the orders of the Roman Prefect, Pontius Pilate and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven . The New Testament records Jesus’ activities and teaching, his appointment of the twelve Apostles, and his instructions to them to continue his work. The Catholic Church also teaches that the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, in an event known as Pentecost, which signaled the beginning of the public ministry of the Church. Simon Bar-Jonah – Peter Apostle of Jesus, is considered to be Rome’s first bishop and the consecrator of Linus as its next bishop, thus starting the line which includes the most current pontiff, Pope Francis.
On March 13th 2013 at 7:06 pm (CNN) the Vatican conclave in Rome elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Francis to be the 266th Pope (the first pope born outside Europe in 1,282 years). According to the Catholic Prophecy of the Popes by Saint Malachy, a 12th‑century Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland, states that during the reign of 266th Pope, he would deal with many tribulations, including the destruction of Rome. Saint Malachy’s vision of world-wide tribulations and the destruction of Rome correlates well with the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17, which refers to a “great harlot that sits on many waters” that has been interpreted as the Roman church gone apostate (abandoning its faith). According to researcher and writer John Hogue, Saint Malachy was on a pilgrimage in Rome in 1139 and while situated on a hill at sunset, he “went into an ecstatic trance and experienced a vision of future popes; his serving monks around him put out candles and paper and started writing down…his revelations of 2 or 3 word Latin mottoes.”
The result was a prophetic list of the succession of the Papacy with mottos representing the name or heraldry of the next 112 Popes, that was handed to Pope Celestine II. The prophetic manuscript was then deposited in the Vatican Secret Archives, and forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590.
According to approved Catholic prophecy shortly after the election of the 266th Pope – Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), there will be several stages leading up to the Apocalypse, including a time of miracles, with mass healings, divine apparitions, and signs in the heavens that will followed by great tribulations that will shock the world. For Saint Malachy’s prophecy for the 266th Pope states:
In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit, as bishop, Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills of Rome that will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End
Source: O’Brien 1880, p. 83; Bander 1969, p. 96.
In order to determine if there is any relevant mundane astrological correlation of Saint Malachy’s Papal prophecy we will need to determine the horoscope of the Catholic Church by reviewing the biblical narrative of Pentecost -described by Christians today as the “Birthday of the Church,” where the 11 Disciples of Christ (Acts 1:13, 26), along with about 109 other individuals (Acts 1:15), including many women, among whom was Mary the mother of Jesus (Acts 1:14), received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room, of Cenacle in Jerusalem.
The Cenacle on Mount Zion, claimed to be the location of the Last Supper and Pentecost. Bargil Pixner[7] claims the original Church of the Apostles is located under the current structure.
Pentecost is the old Greek name for the Jewish harvest festival in the calendar of ancient Israel celebrating the giving of the Law on Sinai. This feast is still celebrated today as Shavuot. Now based on the apostle John’s (John 19:31) account, Jesus was taken by the high priests and soldiers, judged, beaten, humiliated, and crucified, before the Passover feast’s “high day” (on the Sabbath when the Passover lambs were being slaughtered), on Nissan 14 on April 1st, 33 AD at approximately 3:00 pm LMT in Jerusalem.
This date is confirmed by astronomical calculations that show that the date of the crucifixion, derived from calculating the dates when the crescent (waxing) of the New Moon would be first visible from Jerusalem, which marked by Jews as the first day of a lunar month to be April 2, 33 AD. This is also confirmed from the time Jesus began his three year public ministry shortly after he reached the age of 31, in mid October of 29 AD -“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near”, during in the 15th year of the Emperor Tiberius’s reign, which satisfies the statement in Luke 3:23 “And when He began his ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age…”, and also by 2nd Century Christian scholars, such as Irenaaus who said that Jesus “of was beginning to be about thirty years of age” [Against Heresies h, II, xxii, 5].
In 33 AD, the Feast of Weeks of Shevuot which commemorates God giving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai fifty days after Passover (April 2-3,), occurred on sunrise on Sunday May 22nd. On that day, the Holy Spirit was then sent (Acts 2.1-4) at Pentecost (Sivan 6). According to the New Testament book of Acts (Acts 2:15), 2 When the day of Shevuot came (Hellenistic Jews later gave it the name Pentecost), they (the Apostles) were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a noise came from heaven. It sounded like a strong wind blowing. This noise filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw something that looked like flames of fire. The flames were separated and stood over each person there.
4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak different languages. The Holy Spirit was giving them the power to do this. 5 There were some godly Jews in Jerusalem at this time. They were from every country in the world. 6 A large crowd came together because they heard the noise. They were surprised because, as the apostles were speaking, everyone heard in their own language. 7 They were all amazed at this. They did not understand how the apostles could do this. They said, “Look! These men we hear speaking are all from Galilee. 8 But we hear them in our own languages. How is this possible? We are from all these different places: 9 Parthia, Media, Elam, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the areas of Libya near the city of Cyrene, Rome, 11 Crete, and Arabia. Some of us were born Jews, and others have changed their religion to worship God like Jews. We are from these different countries, but we can hear these men in our own languages! We can all understand the great things they are saying about God.” 12 The people were all amazed and confused. They asked each other, “What is happening?” 13 But others were laughing at the apostles, saying they were drunk from too much wine.
14 Then Peter (who would eventually become the 1st Pope of the future Roman Catholic Church) stood up with the other eleven apostles. He spoke loudly so that all the people could hear. He said, “My Jewish brothers and all of you who live in Jerusalem, listen to me. I will tell you something you need to know. Listen carefully. 15 These men are not drunk as you think; it’s only nine o’clock in the morning. Peter in (Acts 2:39) says, 39 “This promise is for you. It is also for your children and for the people who are far away. It is for everyone the Lord our God calls to himself.” Stating that this event was the beginning of a continual outpouring that would be available to all believers from that point on, Jews and Gentiles alike.
Acts 2:41 then reports: “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.” Peter stated that this event was the beginning of a continual outpouring that would be available to all believers from that point on, Jews and Gentiles alike.
Based on the above stated testimony given in the second chapter of the Book of Acts of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, became know as Pentecost. A spiritual event that took place on May 22nd 33 AD at 9:00 AM LMT in Jerusalem in Roman Judea. This event where one hundred and twenty followers of Christ, including the Twelve Apostles (the Eleven faithful disciples and Matthias who was Judas’ replacement), his mother Mary, various other women disciples and his brothers where present, signaled the beginning of the public ministry of the Church and can be considered the “birth event” of the Christian Church, that would eventually become the Roman Catholic Church by the early 2nd Century.
Now if Saint Malachy’s Papal Prophecy is credible, based on the Pentecost horoscope we can project the several stages leading up to the Apocalypse. Again, according to approved Catholic Papal Prophecy, after the selection of the 266th Pope – Pope Francis – stage I, there will be a time of miracles, with mass healings and divine apparitions – stage 2, along with signs in the heavens and followed by great tribulations – stage 3.
Using modern astrological forecasting technology we can speculate the timeline when these prophetic events according to Saint Malachy are most likely to unfold. Employing dynamic astrology, starting from the date when Pope Francis ascended to the papacy – March 13th, 2013, we can project ahead over the next 7 years (March 13 2020). Based on direct hits by planetary transits and solar arc progressions to the Pentecost horoscope, it appears in the Blackbox graph (above) that stage 2 a time of miracles, with mass healing’s and divine apparitions will begin in mid-2015 through 2017. This will be followed by – stage 3 when signs form the the heavens followed by great tribulations will begin in 2018 through 2020, during which we can expect major crisis to unfold within the Roman Catholic Church leadership that will cause a significant shakeup within the Papacy. This event among outer events on the world stage will likely result in a significant decline in the Church’s prestige and power and coincide with the tribulations of Saint Malachy’s apocalyptic prophecy whose final words were: “Rome, the seat of the Vatican, will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.”
1st–5th centuries
1st century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
1 | 33 – 67 | St Peter PETRUS |
Simon Peter Σίμων (or Συμεών) Κηφᾶς ܫܶܡܥܽܘܢ ܟ݁ܺܐܦ݂ܳܐ |
Bethsaida, Galilea | Apostle of Jesus from whom he received the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, according to Matthew 16:18–19 . Executed by crucifixion upside-down; feast day (Feast of Saints Peter and Paul) 29 June, (Chair of Saint Peter) 22 February. Recognized by the Catholic Church as the first Bishop of Rome (Pope) appointed by Christ. Also revered as saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 29 June.[4] | |
2 | 67 – 79 | St Linus LINUS |
Linus | Tuscia | Feast day 23 September. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 7 June. | |
3 | 79 – 92 | St Anacletus (Cletus) ANACLETUS |
Anacletus | Rome | Martyred; feast day 26 April. Once erroneously split into Cletus and Anacletus[5] | |
4 | 92 – 97 | St Clement I CLEMENS |
Clement | Rome | Feast day 23 November. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 25 November. | |
5 | 97 – 107 | St Evaristus EVARISTUS |
Aristus | Bethlehem, Judea | Feast day 26 October |
2nd century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
6 | 107 – 116 | St Alexander I ALEXANDER |
Alexander | Rome | Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 16 March. | |
7 | 116 – 125 | St Sixtus I XYSTUS |
Xystus | Rome | 6 April. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 10 August. | |
8 | 125 – 136 | St Telesphorus TELESPHORUS |
Telesphorus | Terranova da Sibari, Calabria | ||
9 | 136 – 142 | St Hyginus HYGINUS |
Hyginus | Athens, Greece | Traditionally martyred; feast day 11 January | |
10 | 142 – 155 | St Pius I PIUS |
Pius | Aquileia, Friuli | Martyred by sword; feast day 11 July | |
11 | 155–166 | St Anicetus ANICETUS |
Anicitus | Emesa, Syria | Traditionally martyred; feast day 17 April | |
12 | c. 166 – 174/175 | St Soter SOTERIUS |
Soter | Fondi, Latium | Traditionally martyred; feast day 22 April | |
13 | 174/175 – 189 | St Eleuterus ELEUTHERIUS |
Eleuther | Nicopoli, Epirus | Traditionally martyred; feast day 6 May | |
14 | 189 – 198/199 | St Victor I VICTOR |
Victor | Roman Africa | ||
15 | 199–217 | St Zephyrinus ZEPHYRINUS |
Zephyrinus | Rome |
3rd century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
16 | c. 217 – 222/223 | St Callixtus I CALLISTUS |
Callistus | Iberian Peninsula | Martyred; feast day 14 October | |
17 | 222/223 – 230 | St Urban I URBANUS |
Urban | Rome | Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 25 May. | |
18 | 21 July 230 – 28 September 235 (5 years+) |
St Pontian PONTIANUS |
Pontianus | Rome | First to abdicate office after exile to Sardinia by Emperor Maximinus Thrax. TheLiberian Catalogue records his death on 28 September 235, the earliest exact date in papal history.[6][7] | |
19 | 21 November 235 – 3 January 236 (44 days) |
St Anterus ANTERUS |
Anterus | Petilia Policastro – Calabria | Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 5 August. | |
20 | 10 January 236 – 20 January 250 (14 years+) |
St Fabian FABIANUS |
Fabianus | Rome | Feast day 20 January. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 5 August. | |
21 | 6/11 March 251 – June 253 (2 years+) |
St Cornelius CORNELIUS |
Cornelius | Died a martyr, through extreme hardship; feast day 16 September | ||
22 | 25 June 253 – 5 March 254 (256 days) |
St Lucius I LUCIUS |
Lucius | Rome | Feast day 4 March | |
23 | 12 May 254 – 2 August 257 (3 years+) |
St Stephen I STEPHANUS |
Stephanus | Rome | Martyred by beheading; feast day 2 August. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with the same feast day. | |
24 | 30/31 August 257 – 6 August 258 (340/341 days) |
St Sixtus II XYSTUS Secundus |
Sixtus | Greece | Martyred by beheading. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 10 August. | |
25 | 22 July 259 – 26 December 268 (9 years+) |
St Dionysius DIONYSIUS |
Dionysius | Greece | Feast day 26 December | |
26 | 5 January 269 – 30 December 274 (5 years+) |
St Felix I FELIX |
Felix | Rome | ||
27 | 4 January 275 – 7 December 283 (8 years+) |
St Eutychian EUTYCHIANUS |
Eutychianus | |||
28 | 17 December 283 – 22 April 296 (12 years+) |
St Caius CAIUS |
Gaius | Martyred (according to legend) Feast day 22 April. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 11 August. | ||
29 | 30 June 296 – 1 April 304 (7 years+) |
St Marcellinus MARCELLINUS |
Marcellinus | Feast day 26 April. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 7 June. |
[edit]4th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
30 | 308–309 | St Marcellus I MARCELLUS |
31 | c.309 – c.310 | St Eusebius EUSEBIUS |
32 | 2 July 311 – 10 January 314 (2 years+) |
St Miltiades (Melchiades) MILTIADES |
Africa | First pope after the end of the persecution of Christians through the Edict of Milan(313 AD) issued by Constantine the Great | ||
33 | 31 January 314 – 31 December 335 (21 years+) |
St Sylvester I SILVESTER |
Sant’Angelo a Scala, Avellino | Feast day 31 December. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 2 January. First Council of Nicaea, 325. | ||
34 | 18 January 336 – 7 October 336 (263 days) |
St Mark MARCUS |
Rome | Feast day 7 October | ||
35 | 6 February 337 – 12 April 352 (15 years+) |
St Julius I IULIUS |
Rome | |||
36 | 17 May 352 – 24 September 366 (14 years+) |
Liberius LIBERIUS |
Earliest Pope not yet canonized by the Roman Church. Revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 27 August.[8] | |||
37 | 1 October 366 – 11 December 384 (18 years+) |
St Damasus I DAMASUS |
Idanha-a-Velha, Portugal | Patron of Jerome, commissioned the Vulgate translation of the Bible. Council of Rome, 382. | ||
38 | 11 December 384 – 26 November 399 (14 years+) |
St Siricius Papa SIRICIUS |
39 | 27 November 399 – 19 December 401 (2 years+) |
St Anastasius I Papa ANASTASIUS |
[edit]5th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
40 | 22 December 401 – 12 March 417 (15 years+) |
St Innocent I Papa INNOCENTIUS |
Visigoth Sack of Rome (410) under Alaric | |||
41 | 18 March 417 – 26 December 418 (1 year+) |
St Zosimus Papa ZOSIMUS |
Mesoraca – Calabria | |||
42 | 28/29 December 418 – 4 September 422 (3 years+) |
St Boniface I Papa BONIFATIUS |
43 | 10 September 422 – 27 July 432 (9 years+) |
St Celestine I Papa COELESTINUS |
Rome, Western Roman Empire | Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 8 April. | ||
44 | 31 July 432 – March/August 440 (~8 years) |
St Sixtus III Papa SIXTUS Tertius |
45 | 29 September 440 – 10 November 461 (21 years+) |
St Leo I Papa LEO MAGNUS |
Rome | Convinced Attila the Hun to turn back his invasion of Italy. Wrote the Tome which was instrumental in the Council of Chalcedon and in defining the hypostatic union. Feast day 10 November. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 18 February. | ||
46 | 19 November 461 – 29 February 468 (6 years+) |
St Hilarius Papa HILARIUS |
Hilarius | Sardinia | ||
47 | 3 March 468 – 10 March 483 (15 years+) |
St Simplicius Papa SIMPLICIUS |
Simplicius | Tivoli | ||
48 | 13 March 483 – 1 March 492 (8 years+) |
St Felix III (Felix II) Papa FELIX Tertius (Secundus) |
Felice | Rome | Sometimes called Felix II | |
49 | 1 March 492 – 21 November 496 (4 years+) |
St Gelasius I Papa GELASIUS |
Gelasius | Africa | To date, the last pope to have been born on the continent of Africa. | |
50 | 24 November 496 – 19 November 498 (~2 years) |
Anastasius II Papa ANASTASIUS Secundus |
Anastasius | |||
51 | 22 November 498 – 19 July 514 (15 years+) |
St Symmachus Papa SYMMACHUS |
Simmaco | Sardinia |
6th–15th centuries
6th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
52 | 20 July 514 – 19 July 523 (~9 years) |
St Hormisdas Papa HORMISDAS |
Hormisdas | Frosinone, Southern Latium | Father of Pope Silverius | |
53 | 13 August 523 – 18 May 526 (2 years+) |
St John I Papa IOANNES |
Giovanni | Toscana | ||
54 | 13 July 526 – 22 September 530 (4 years+) |
St Felix IV (Felix III) Papa FELIX Quartus (Tertius) |
Felice | Samnium | Sometimes called Felix III | |
55 | 22 September 530 – 17 October 532 (2 years+) |
Boniface II Papa BONIFATIUS Secundus |
Bonifacio | Rome to Ostrogoth parents | ||
56 | 2 January 533 – 8 May 535 (2 years+) |
John II Papa IOHANNES Secundus |
Mercurio | Rome | First pope to not use personal name. This was due to Mercury being a Roman god. | |
57 | 13 May 535 – 22 April 536 (346 days) |
St Agapetus I Papa AGAPITUS |
Agapito | Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom | Feast days 22 April 20 September. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 17 April. | |
58 | 1 June 536 – 11 November 537 (1 year+) |
St Silverius Papa SILVERIUS |
Silverius | Exiled; feast day 20 June, son of Pope Hormisdas | ||
59 | 29 March 537 – 7 June 555 (18 years+) |
Vigilius Papa VIGILIUS |
Rome | |||
60 | 16 April 556 – 4 March 561 (~5 years) |
Pelagius I Papa PELAGIUS |
Rome | |||
61 | 17 July 561 – 13 July 574 (~13 years) |
John III Papa IOANNES Tertius |
Catelinus | Rome, Eastern Roman Empire | ||
62 | 2 June 575 – 30 July 579 (4 years+) |
Benedict I Papa BENEDICTUS |
63 | 26 November 579 – 7 February 590 (10 years+) |
Pelagius II Papa PELAGIUS Secundus |
Rome | |||
64 | 3 September 590 – 12 March 604 (13 years+) |
St Gregory I (Gregory the Great) Papa GREGORIUS MAGNUS |
Gregorio O.S.B. |
Rome | First to formally employ the titles “Servus servorum Dei“ and “Pontifex Maximus“. Feast day 3 September. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 12 March. |
7th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
65 | 13 September 604 – 22 February 606 (1 year+) |
Sabinian Papa SABINIANUS |
Blera | |||
66 | 19 February 607 – 12 November 607 (267 days) |
Boniface III Papa BONIFATIUS Tertius |
Bonifacio | Rome | ||
67 | 25 August 608 – 8 May 615 (6 years+) |
St Boniface IV Papa BONIFATIUS Quartus |
Bonifacio O.S.B. |
Marsi | First Pope to bear the same name as his immediate predecessor. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
68 | 19 October 615 – 8 November 618 (3 years+) |
St Adeodatus I (Deusdedit) Papa ADEODATUS sive DEUSDEDIT |
Rome | Sometimes called Deusdedit, as a result Pope Adeodatus II is sometimes called Pope Adeodatus without a number | ||
69 | 23 December 619 – 25 October 625 (5 years+) |
Boniface V Papa BONIFATIUS Quintus |
Bonifacio | Naples | ||
70 | 27 October 625 – 12 October 638 (12 years+) |
Honorius I Papa HONORIUS |
Onorio | Campania, Byzantine Empire | Named a heretic and anathematized by the Third Council of Constantinople (680) | |
71 | October 638 – 2 August 640 (1 year+) |
Severinus Papa SEVERINUS |
Severino | Rome | ||
72 | 24 December 640 – 12 October 642 (1 year+) |
John IV Papa IOANNES Quartus |
Zadar, Dalmatia, Byzantine Empire | |||
73 | 24 November 642 – 14 May 649 (6 years+) |
Theodore I Papa THEODORUS |
Jerusalem | |||
74 | July 649 – 16 September 655 (6 years+) |
St Martin I Papa MARTINUS |
Martino | Near Todi, Umbria, Byzantine Empire | Feast Day 12 November. Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 14 April. | |
75 | 10 August 654 – 2 June 657 (2 years+) |
St Eugene I Papa EUGENIUS |
Eugenio | Rome | ||
76 | 30 July 657 – 27 January 672 (14 years+) |
St Vitalian Papa VITALIANUS |
Segni, Byzantine Empire | |||
77 | 11 April 672 – 17 June 676 (4 years+) |
Adeodatus II Papa ADEODATUS Secundus |
unknown O.S.B. |
Rome, Byzantine Empire | Sometimes called Pope Adeodatus (without a number) in reference to Pope Adeodatus I sometimes being called Pope Deusdedit. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
78 | 2 November 676 – 11 April 678 (1 year+) |
Donus Papa DONUS |
Rome, Byzantine Empire | |||
79 | 27 June 678 – 10 January 681 (2 years+) |
St Agatho Papa AGATHO |
Sicily | Also revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 20 February. | ||
80 | December 681 – 3 July 683 (1 year+) |
St Leo II Papa LEO Secundus |
Leo | Sicily | Feast day 3 July | |
81 | 26 June 684 – 8 May 685 (317 days) |
St Benedict II Papa BENEDICTUS Secundus |
Benedetto | Rome, Byzantine Empire | Feast day 7 May | |
82 | 12 July 685 – 2 August 686 (1 year+) |
John V Papa IOANNES Quintus |
Syria | |||
83 | 21 October 686 – 22 September 687 (335 days) |
Conon Papa CONON |
84 | 15 December 687 – 8 September 701 (13 years+) |
St Sergius I Papa SERGIUS |
Sicily |
8th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
85 | 30 October 701 – 11 January 705 (3 years+) |
John VI Papa IOANNES Sextus |
Ιωάννης | Greece | ||
86 | 1 March 705 – 18 October 707 (2 years+) |
John VII Papa IOANNES Septimus |
Ιωάννης | Rossano – Calabria | Second pope to bear the same name as his immediate predecessor | |
87 | 15 January 708 – 4 February 708 (21 days) |
Sisinnius Papa SISINNIUS |
Syria | |||
88 | 25 March 708 – 9 April 715 (7 years+) |
Syria | Last pope to visit Greece while in office, until John Paul II in 2001 | ||
89 | 19 May 715 – 11 February 731 (15 years+) |
St Gregory II Papa GREGORIUS Secundus |
Gregorio | Rome, Byzantine Empire | Feast day 11 February | |
90 | 18 March 731 – 28 November 741 (10 years+) |
St Gregory III Papa GREGORIUS Tertius |
Syria | Third pope to bear the same name as his immediate predecessor. Was previously the last pope to have been born outside Europe until the election of Francis in 2013. | ||
91 | 3 December 741 – 14/22 March 752 (10 years+) |
St Zachary Papa ZACHARIAS |
Santa Severina – Calabria | Feast day 15 March | ||
(never consecrated) | 23 March 752 – 25 March 752 (Never took office as pope) |
Pope-elect Stephen Papa Electus STEPHANUS |
Sometimes known as Stephen II. Died three days after his election having never received episcopal consecration. Some lists still include his name. The Vatican sanctioned his addition to the list of popes in the sixteenth century; however he was removed in 1961. He is no longer considered a pope by the Catholic Church. | |||
92 | 26 March 752 – 26 April 757 (5 years+) |
Stephen II (Stephen III) Papa STEPHANUS Secundus (Tertius) |
Sometimes called Stephen III | |||
93 | 29 May 757 – 28 June 767 (10 years+) |
St Paul I Papa PAULUS |
Paolo | Rome | ||
94 | 1/7 August 767 – 24 January 772 (4 years+) |
Stephen III (Stephen IV) Papa STEPHANUS Tertius (Quartus) |
Stefano | Sicily | Sometimes called Stephen IV | |
95 | 1 February 772 – 26 December 795 (23 years+) |
Adrian I Papa HADRIANUS |
Adriano | Rome | ||
96 | 26 December 795 – 12 June 816 (20 years+) |
St Leo III Papa LEO Tertius |
Leo | Rome | Crowned Charlemagne Imperator Augustus on Christmas Day, 800, thereby initiating what would become the office of Holy Roman Emperor requiring the imprimatur of the pope for its legitimacy |
[edit]9th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at election / death or resigned | # years as pope | Notes |
97 | 12 June 816 – 24 January 817 | St Stephen IV (Stephen V) Papa STEPHANUS Quartus (Quintus) |
Stephanus | <1 | Sometimes called Stephen V | |||
98 | 25 January 817 – 11 February 824 | St Paschal I Papa PASCHALIS |
Pasquale | Rome | 7 | |||
99 | 8 May 824 – August 827 | Eugene II Papa EUGENIUS Secundus |
Eugenio | Rome | 3 | |||
100 | August 827 – September 827 | Valentine Papa VALENTINUS |
Valentino | Rome | <1 | |||
101 | 827 – January 844 | Gregory IV Papa GREGORIUS Quartus |
Gregorio | Rome | 17 | |||
102 | January 844 – 7 January 847 | Sergius II Papa SERGIUS Secundus |
Rome | 3 | ||||
103 | January 847 – 17 July 855 | St Leo IV Papa LEO Quartus |
Leo O.S.B. |
Rome | 8 | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | ||
104 | 855 – 7 April 858 | Benedict III Papa BENEDICTUS Tertius |
Benedetto | Rome | ||||
105 | 24 April 858 – 13 November 867 | St Nicholas I (Nicholas the Great) Papa NICOLAUS MAGNUS |
Niccolò | Rome | 9 | |||
106 | 14 December 867 – 14 December 872 | Adrian II Papa HADRIANUS Secundus |
Adriano | Rome | 5 | |||
107 | 14 December 872 – 16 December 882 | John VIII Papa IOANNES Octavus |
Giovanni | Rome | 10 | |||
108 | 16 December 882 – 15 May 884 | Marinus I Papa MARINUS |
Marino | Gallese, Rome | 1 | |||
109 | 17 May 884 – c.September 885 | St Adrian III Papa HADRIANUS Tertius |
Adriano | Rome | ||||
110 | 885 – 14 September 891 | Stephen V (Stephen VI) Papa STEPHANUS Quintus (Sextus) |
Stefano | Rome | Sometimes called Stephen VI | |||
111 | 19 September 891 – 4 April 896 | Formosus Papa FORMOSUS |
Formoso | Ostia | 4 | Posthumously ritually executed following the Cadaver Synod | ||
112 | 4 April 896 – 19 April 896 | Boniface VI Papa BONIFATIUS Sextus |
Bonifacio | Rome | <1 | |||
113 | 22 May 896 – August 897 | Stephen VI (Stephen VII) Papa STEPHANUS Sextus (Septimus) |
Stefano | 1 | Sometimes called Stephen VII | |||
114 | August 897 – November 897 | Romanus Papa ROMANUS |
Romano | Gallese, Rome | <1 | |||
115 | December 897 | Theodore II Papa THEODORUS Secundus |
Teodoro | Rome | <1 | |||
116 | January 898 – January 900 | John IX Papa IOANNES Nonus |
Giovanni O.S.B. |
Tivoli | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |||
117 | 900 – 903 | Benedict IV Papa BENEDICTUS Quartus |
Benedetto | Rome |
10th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at election / death or resigned | # years as pope | Notes |
118 | July 903 – September 903 | Leo V Papa LEO Quintus |
Leo | Ardea | <1 | |||
119 | 29 January 904 – 14 April 911 | Sergius III Papa SERGIUS Tertius |
Sergio | Rome | 7 | “Saeculum obscurum” begins | ||
120 | April 911 – June 913 | Anastasius III Papa ANASTASIUS Tertius |
Rome | 2 | ||||
121 | July/August 913 – February/March 914 | Lando Papa LANDUS |
Lando | Sabina | <1 | |||
122 | March 914 – May 928 | John X Papa IOANNES Decimus |
Giovanni | Romagna | 14 | |||
123 | June 928 – February 929 | Leo VI Papa LEO Sextus |
Leo | Rome | <1 | |||
124 | February 929 – March 931 | Stephen VII (Stephen VIII) Papa STEPHANUS Septimus (Octavus) |
Stefano | Rome | 2 | Sometimes called Stephen VIII | ||
125 | February/March 931 – December 935 | John XI Papa IOANNES Undecimus |
Giovanni | Rome | 4 | |||
126 | 3 January 936 – 13 July 939 | Leo VII Papa LEO Septimus |
Leo O.S.B. |
3 | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |||
127 | 14 July 939 – October 942 | Stephen VIII (Stephen IX) Papa STEPHANUS Octavus (Nonus) |
Stephan | Rome | 3 | Sometimes called Stephen IX | ||
128 | 30 October 942 – May 946 | Marinus II Papa MARINUS Secundus |
Marino | Rome | 3 | |||
129 | 10 May 946 – December 955 | Agapetus II Papa AGAPITUS Secundus |
Agapito | Rome | 9 | |||
130 | 16 December 955 – 14 May 964 | John XII Papa IOANNES Duodecimus |
Octavian | Rome | 8 | Deposed in 963 by Emperor Otto invalidly; end of the “Saeculum obscurum“ | ||
131 | 22 May 964 – 23 June 964 | Benedict V Papa BENEDICTUS Quintus |
Rome | <1 | Elected after John XII‘s death by the people of Rome, in opposition to the Antipope Leo VIII who was appointed by Emperor Otto; Benedict accepted his deposition in 964 leaving Leo as sole pope. | |||
132 | July 964 – 1 March 965 | Leo VIII Papa LEO Octavus |
Rome | <1 | Appointed antipope by Emperor Otto in 963 in opposition to John XIIand Benedict V. He became the true Pope after Benedict V was deposed | |||
133 | 1 October 965 – 6 September 972 | John XIII Papa IOANNES Tertius Decimus |
Rome | 6 | ||||
134 | 19 January 973 – June 974 | Benedict VI Papa BENEDICTUS Sextus |
Rome, Papal States | 1 | Deposed and murdered | |||
135 | October 974 – 10 July 983 | Benedict VII Papa BENEDICTUS Septimus |
Rome | 8 | ||||
136 | December 983 – 20 August 984 | John XIV Papa IOANNES Quartus Decimus |
Pietro Campanora | Pavia | <1 | |||
137 | August 985 – March 996 | John XV Papa IOANNES Quintus Decimus |
Rome | 10 | ||||
138 | 3 May 996 – 18 February 999 | Gregory V Papa GREGORIUS Quintus |
Bruno of Carinthia | Germany, Holy Roman Empire | 2 | First German Pope | ||
139 | 2 April 999 – 12 May 1003 | Sylvester II Papa SILVESTER Secundus |
Gerbert d’Aurillac | Auvergne region of France | 4 | First French Pope |
11th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
140 | June 1003 – 6 December 1003 |
John XVII Papa IOANNES Septimus Decimus |
Siccone | Rome, Papal States | ||
141 | 25 December 1003 – July 1009 (5 years+) |
John XVIII Papa IOANNES Duodevicesimus |
Giovanni Fasano; Phasianus | Rapagnano, Papal States | ||
142 | 31 July 1009 – 12 May 1012 (2 years+) |
Sergius IV Papa SERGIUS Quartus |
Pietro Boccapecora | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
143 | 18 May 1012 – 9 April 1024 (11 years+) |
Benedict VIII Papa BENEDICTUS Octavus |
Theophylactus II, Conti di Tusculum | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
144 | April/May 1024 – 20 October 1032 (8 years+) |
John XIX Papa IOANNES Undevicesimus |
Romanus, Conti di Tusculum | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
145 | 20 October 1032–31 December 1044 | Benedict IX Papa BENEDICTUS Nonus |
Theophylactus III, Conti di Tusculum | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 1st Term | |
146 | 1 January 1045-31 March 1045 | Sylvester III Papa SILVESTER Tertius |
John, Bishop of Sabina | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Validity of election questioned; considered Anti-Pope; deposed at the Council of Sutri. | |
147 | 1 April 1045–10 November 1045 | Benedict IX Papa BENEDICTUS Nonus |
Theophylactus III, Conti di Tusculum | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 2nd Term; deposed at the Council of Sutri | |
148 | 10 November 1045– 23 December 1046 | Gregory VI Papa GREGORIUS Sextus, |
Johannes Gratianus | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Deposed at the Council of Sutri | |
149 | 24 December 1046 – 9 October 1047 |
Clement II Papa CLEMENS Secundus |
Suidger | Hornburg, Duchy of Saxony, Holy Roman Empire | Appointed by Henry III at the Council of Sutri; crowned Henry III as Holy Roman Emperor. | |
150 | November 1047–17 July 1048 | Benedict IX Papa BENEDICTUS Nonus |
Theophylactus III, Conti di Tusculum | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 3rd Term; deposed and excommunicated | |
151 | 17 July 1048 – 9 August 1048 (23 days) |
Damasus II Papa DAMASUS Secundus |
Poppo | Pildenau, Duchy of Bavaria, Holy Roman Empire | ||
152 | 12 February 1049 – 19 April 1054 (5 years+) |
St Leo IX Papa LEO Nonus |
Bruno, Count of Dagsbourg | Eguisheim, Swabia, Holy Roman Empire | In 1054, mutual excommunications of Leo IX and Patriarch of Constantinople Michael I Cerularius began the East–West Schism. The anathematizations were rescinded byPope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras in 1965.[9] | |
153 | 13 April 1055 – 28 July 1057 (2 years+) |
Victor II Papa VICTOR Secundus |
Gebhard, Count of Calw, Tollenstein, and Hirschberg | Kingdom of Germany, Holy Roman Empire | ||
154 | 2 August 1057 – 29 March 1058 (241 days) |
Stephen IX (Stephen X) Papa STEPHANUS Nonus (Decimus) |
Frédéric de Lorraine, O.S.B. | Duchy of Lorraine, Holy Roman Empire | Sometimes called Stephen X. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
155 | 6 December 1058 – 27 July 1061 (2 years+) |
Nicholas II Papa NICOLAUS Secundus |
Gérard de Bourgogne | Château de Chevron, Kingdom of Arles | ||
156 | 30 September 1061 – 21 April 1073 (11 years+) |
Alexander II Papa ALEXANDER Secundus |
Anselmo da Baggio | Milan, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | Authorised the Norman conquest of England in 1066 | |
157 | 22 April 1073 – 25 May 1085 (12 years+) |
St Gregory VII Papa GREGORIUS Septimus |
Hildebrand O.S.B. |
Sovana, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | Initiated the Gregorian Reforms. Restricted the use of title “Papa” to the Bishop of Rome.[4] Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. Political struggle with German Emperor Henry IV, who had to go to Canossa (1077). | |
158 | 24 May 1086 – 16 September 1087 (1 year+) |
Bd. Victor III Papa VICTOR Tertius |
Desiderio; Desiderius; Dauferius O.S.B. |
Benevento, Duchy of Benevento | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
159 | 12 March 1088 – 29 July 1099 (11 years+) |
Bd. Urban II Papa URBANUS Secundus |
Odo of Lagery, O.S.B. | Lagery, County of Champagne, France | Started the First Crusade. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
160 | 13 August 1099 – 21 January 1118 (18 years+) |
Paschal II Papa PASCHALIS Secundus |
Raniero O.S.B. |
Bleda, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. |
12th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
161 | 24 January 1118 – 28 January 1119 (1 year, 4 days) |
Gelasius II Papa GELASIUS Secundus |
Giovanni Coniulo, O.S.B. | Gaeta, Principality of Capua | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
162 | 2 February 1119 – 13 December 1124 (5 years, 315 days) |
Callixtus II Papa CALLISTUS Secundus |
Guido, Comte de Bourgogne | Quingey, County of Burgundy,Holy Roman Empire | Opened the First Council of the Lateran in 1123 | |
163 | 15 December 1124 – 13 February 1130 (5 years, 60 days) |
Honorius II Papa HONORIUS Secundus |
Lamberto Scannabecchi, Can.Reg. | Fiagnano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Canon Regular of S. Maria di San Reno | |
164 | 14 February 1130 – 24 September 1143 (13 years, 222 days) |
Innocent II Papa INNOCENTIUS Secundus |
Gregorio Papareschi, Can.Reg. | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Canon Regular of Lateran; Convened the Second Council of the Lateran, 1139 | |
165 | 26 September 1143 – 8 March 1144 (0 years, 164 days) |
Celestine II Papa COELESTINUS Secundus |
Guido | Città di Castello, Papal States,Holy Roman Empire | ||
166 | 12 March 1144 – 15 February 1145 (0 years, 340 days) |
Lucius II Papa LUCIUS Secundus |
Gerardo Caccianemici dal Orso, Can.Reg. | Bologna, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Canon Regular of S. Frediano di Lucca | |
167 | 15 February 1145 – 8 July 1153 (8 years, 143 days) |
Bd. Eugene III Papa EUGENIUS Tertius |
Bernardo da Pisa, O.Cist. | Pisa, Republic of Pisa, Holy Roman Empire | Member of the Order of Cistercians. Announced the Second Crusade. | |
168 | 8 July 1153 – 3 December 1154 (1 year, 148 days) |
Anastasius IV Papa ANASTASIUS Quartus |
Corrado Demetri della Suburra | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
169 | 4 December 1154 – 1 September 1159 (4 years, 271 days) |
Adrian IV Papa HADRIANUS Quartus |
Nicholas Breakspear, Can.Reg. | Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, Kingdom of England | First and only English pope; purportedly granted Ireland to Henry II, King of England. Canon Regular of St. Rufus Monastery . | |
170 | 7 September 1159 – 30 August 1181 (21 years, 357 days) |
Alexander III Papa ALEXANDER Tertius |
Rolando | Siena, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | Convened the Third Council of the Lateran, 1179 | |
171 | 1 September 1181 – 25 November 1185 (4 years, 85 days) |
Lucius III Papa LUCIUS Tertius |
Ubaldo | Lucca, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | ||
172 | 25 November 1185 – 19 October 1187 (1 year, 328 days) |
Urban III Papa URBANUS Tertius |
Uberto Crivelli | Cuggiono, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | ||
173 | 21 October 1187 – 17 December 1187 (0 years, 57 days) |
Gregory VIII Papa GREGORIUS Octavus |
Alberto di Morra, Can.Reg. | Benevento, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Canon Regular Premostratense. Proposed the Third Crusade | |
174 | 19 December 1187 – 20 March 1191[10] (3 years, 91 days) |
Clement III Papa CLEMENS Tertius |
Paolo Scolari | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
175 | 21 March 1191 – 8 January 1198 (6 years, 293 days) |
Celestine III Papa COELESTINUS Tertius |
Giacinto Bobone | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
176 | 8 January 1198 – 16 July 1216 (18 years, 190 days) |
Innocent III Papa INNOCENTIUS Tertius |
Lothario dei Conti di Segni | Gavignano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Convened the Fourth Council of the Lateran, 1215. Initiated the Fourth Crusade. Initiated the medieval Inquisition in Spain and Portugal. |
13th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
177 | 18 July 1216 – 18 March 1227 (10 years, 243 days) |
Honorius III Papa HONORIUS Tertius |
Cencio | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Initiated the Fifth Crusade. | |
178 | 19 March 1227 – 22 August 1241 (14 years, 156 days) |
Gregory IX Papa GREGORIUS Nonus |
Ugolino dei Conti di Segni | Anagni, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Canonized Elisabeth of Hungary, 1235. Initiated the Inquisition in France. | |
179 | 25 October 1241 – 10 November 1241 (0 years, 16 days) |
Celestine IV Papa COELESTINUS Quartus |
Goffredo Castiglioni | Milan, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | Died before coronation. | |
180 | 25 June 1243 – 7 December 1254 (11 years, 165 days) |
Innocent IV Papa INNOCENTIUS Quartus |
Sinibaldo Fieschi | Genoa, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | Convened the First Council of Lyons, 1245 | |
181 | 12 December 1254 – 25 May 1261 (6 years, 164 days) |
Alexander IV Papa ALEXANDER Quartus |
Rinaldo dei Conti di Jenne | Jenne, Papal States | ||
182 | 29 August 1261 – 2 October 1264 (3 years, 34 days) |
Urban IV Papa URBANUS Quartus |
Jacques Pantaléon | Troyes, County of Champagne, France | ||
183 | 5 February 1265 – 29 November 1268 (3 years, 298 days) |
Clement IV Papa CLEMENS Quartus |
Gui Faucoi | Saint-Gilles, Languedoc, France | ||
N/A | 29 November 1268 – 1 September 1271 |
Interregnum | Almost 3 year period without a valid pope elected. This was due to a deadlock among cardinals voting for the pope. | |||
184 | 1 September 1271 – 10 January 1276 (4 years, 131 days) |
Bd. Gregory X Papa GREGORIUS Decimus |
Tebaldo Visconti | Piacenza, Italy, Holy Roman Empire | Convened the Second Council of Lyons, 1274. | |
185 | 21 January 1276 – 22 June 1276 (0 years, 153 days) |
Bd. Innocent V Papa INNOCENTIUS Quintus |
Pierre de Tarentaise, O.P. | County of Savoy, Holy Roman Empire | Member of the Dominican Order. | |
186 | 11 July 1276 – 18 August 1276 (0 years, 38 days) |
Adrian V Papa HADRIANUS Quintus |
Ottobuono Fieschi | Genoa, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | ||
187 | 8 September 1276 – 20 May 1277 (0 years, 254 days) |
John XXI Papa IOANNES Vicesimus Primus |
Pedro Julião (a.k.a. Petrus Hispanus and Pedro Hispano) | Lisbon, Portugal | Due to a confusion over the numbering of popes named John in the 13th century, there was no John XX. There has never been a Pope John XX, because the 20th pope of this name, formerly Petrus Hispanus, when elected Pope in 1276, decided to skip the number XX and to be counted as John XXI instead. He wanted to correct what in his time was believed to be an error in the counting of his predecessors John XV to XIX | |
188 | 25 November 1277 – 22 August 1280 (2 years, 271 days) |
Nicholas III Papa NICOLAUS Tertius |
Giovanni Gaetano Orsini | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
189 | 22 February 1281 – 28 March 1285 (4 years, 34 days) |
Martin IV Papa MARTINUS Quartus |
Simon de Brion | Meinpicien, Touraine, France | ||
190 | 2 April 1285 – 3 April 1287 (2 years, 1 day) |
Honorius IV Papa HONORIUS Quartus |
Giacomo Savelli | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | ||
191 | 22 February 1288 – 4 April 1292 (4 years, 42 days) |
Nicholas IV Papa NICOLAUS Quartus |
Girolamo Masci, O.F.M. | Lisciano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | Member of the Franciscan Order. | |
N/A | 4 April 1292 – 5 July 1294 |
Interregnum | 2 year period without a valid pope elected. This was due to a deadlock among cardinals voting for the pope. | |||
192 | 5 July 1294 – 13 December 1294 (0 years, 161 days) |
St Celestine V Papa COELESTINUS Quintus |
Pietro da Morrone, O.S.B. | Sant’Angelo Limosano, Kingdom of Sicily | One of the few popes who resigned. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
193 | 24 December 1294 – 11 October 1303 (8 years, 291 days) |
Boniface VIII Papa BONIFATIUS Octavus |
Benedetto Caetani | Anagni, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire |
14th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Notes |
194 | 22 October 1303 – 7 July 1304 (0 years, 259 days) |
Bd. Benedict XI Papa BENEDICTUS Undecimus |
Niccolò Boccasini, O.P. | Treviso | Member of the Dominican Order. | |
195 | 5 June 1305 – 20 April 1314 (8 years, 319 days) |
Clement V Papa CLEMENS Quintus |
Bertrand de Got | Villandraut, Gascony, France | Pope at Avignon. Convened the Council of Vienne, 1311–1312. Initiated the persecution of the Knights Templar with the Pastoralis Praeeminentiae under pressure from King Philip IV of France. | |
N/A | 20 April 1314 – 7 August 1316 |
Interregnum | 2 year period without a valid pope elected. This was due to a deadlock among cardinals voting for the pope. | |||
196 | 7 August 1316 – 4 December 1334 (18 years, 119 days) |
John XXII Papa IOANNES Vicesimus Secundus |
Jacques d’Euse; Jacques Duèse | Cahors, Quercy, France | Pope at Avignon | |
197 | 20 December 1334 – 25 April 1342 (7 years, 126 days) |
Benedict XII Papa BENEDICTUS Duodecimus |
Jacques Fournier, O.Cist. | Saverdun, County of Foix, France | Pope at Avignon. Member of the Order of Cistercians. | |
198 | 7 May 1342 – 6 December 1352 (10 years, 213 days) |
Clement VI Papa CLEMENS Sextus |
Pierre Roger, O.S.B. | Maumont, Limousin, France | Pope at Avignon | |
199 | 18 December 1352 – 12 September 1362 (9 years, 268 days) |
Innocent VI Papa INNOCENTIUS Sextus |
Étienne Aubert | Les Monts, Limousin, France | Pope at Avignon | |
200 | 28 September 1362 – 19 December 1370 (8 years, 82 days) |
Bd. Urban V Papa URBANUS Quintus |
Guillaume (de) Grimoard, O.S.B. | Grizac, Languedoc, France | Pope at Avignon. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. | |
201 | 30 December 1370 – 27 March 1378 (7 years, 87 days) |
Gregory XI Papa GREGORIUS Undecimus |
Pierre Roger de Beaufort | Maumont, Limousin, France | Pope at Avignon; returns to Rome; last French Pope | |
202 | 8 April 1378 – 15 October 1389 (11 years, 190 days) |
Urban VI Papa URBANUS Sextus |
Bartolomeo Prignano | Naples, Kingdom of Naples | Western Schism | |
203 | 2 November 1389 – 1 October 1404 (14 years, 334 days) |
Boniface IX Papa BONIFATIUS Nonus |
Pietro Tomacelli | Naples, Kingdom of Naples | Western Schism |
15th century
- R This pope resigned his office.
- B The exact birth date of Innocent VIII and almost all popes prior to Eugene IV is unknown, therefore the lowest probable age has been assumed for this table.
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
204 | 17 October 1404 – 6 November 1406 (2 years, 20 days) |
Innocent VII Papa INNOCENTIUS Septimus |
Cosimo Gentile Migliorati | Sulmona, Kingdom of Naples | 65 / 67 [B] | Western Schism | |
205 | 30 November 1406 – 4 July 1415 (8 years, 216 days) |
Gregory XII Papa GREGORIUS Duodecimus |
Angelo Correr | Venice, Republic of Venice | [R] | Western Schism; abdicated during the Council of Constance, which had been called by his opponent John XXIII. | |
N/A | 4 July 1415 – 11 November 1417 |
Interregnum | Two-year period without a valid pope elected. | ||||
206 | 11 November 1417 – 20 February 1431 (13 years, 101 days) |
Martin V Papa MARTINUS Quintus |
Oddone Colonna | Genazzano, Papal States | 48 / 62 | Convened the Council of Basel, 1431 | |
207 | 3 March 1431 – 23 February 1447 (15 years, 357 days) |
Eugene IV Papa EUGENIUS Quartus |
Gabriele Condulmer, O.S.A. | Venice, Republic of Venice | 47 / 63 [B] | Member of the Augustinian Order. Crowned Sigismund emperor at Rome in 1433. Transferred the Council of Basel to Ferrara. It was later transferred again, to Florence, because of the Bubonic plague. | |
208 | 6 March 1447 – 24 March 1455 (8 years, 18 days) |
Nicholas V Papa NICOLAUS Quintus |
Tommaso Parentucelli | Sarzana, Republic of Genoa | 49 / 57 | Held Jubilee of 1450. Crowned Frederick III emperor at Rome in 1452. Created a library in the Vatican which would eventually become the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. | |
209 | 8 April 1455 – 6 August 1458 (3 years, 120 days) |
Callixtus III Papa CALLISTUS Tertius |
Alfonso de Borgia | Xàtiva, Kingdom of Valencia, Crown of Aragon | 76 / 79 | First Spanish pope | |
210 | 19 August 1458 – 15 August 1464 (5 years, 362 days) |
Pius II Papa PIUS Secundus |
Enea Silvio Piccolomini | Corsignano, Republic of Siena | 52 / 58 | Interest in urban planning. Founded Pienza (near Siena) as the ideal city (1462). | |
211 | 30 August 1464 – 26 July 1471 (6 years, 330 days) |
Paul II Papa PAULUS Secundus |
Pietro Barbo | Venice, Republic of Venice | 47 / 54 | Nephew of Eugene IV | |
212 | 9 August 1471 – 12 August 1484 (13 years, 3 days) |
Sixtus IV Papa XYSTUS Quartus |
Francesco della Rovere, O.F.M. | Celle Ligure, Republic of Genoa | 57 / 70 | Member of the Franciscan Order. Commissioned the Sistine Chapel. Authorized an Inquisition targeting converted (Jewish) Christians in Spain, at the request of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. | |
213 | 29 August 1484 – 25 July 1492 (7 years, 331 days) |
Innocent VIII Papa INNOCENTIUS Octavus |
Giovanni Battista Cybo | Genoa, Republic of Genoa | 51 / 59 [B] | Appointed Tomás de Torquemada | |
214 | 11 August 1492 – 18 August 1503 (11 years, 7 days) |
Alexander VI Papa ALEXANDER Sextus |
Rodrigo de Lanzol-Borgia | Xàtiva, Kingdom of Valencia, Crown of Aragon | 61 / 72 | Nephew of Callixtus III. Father to Cesare Borgia and Lucrezia Borgia. Divided the extra-European world between Spain and Portugal in 1493 by the Bull Inter caetera. |
[edit]16th–20th centuries
16th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
215 | 22 September 1503 – 18 October 1503 (0 years, 26 days) |
Pius III Papa PIUS Tertius |
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini | Siena, Republic of Siena | 64 / 64 | Nephew of Pius II | |
216 | 31 October 1503 – 21 February 1513 (9 years, 113 days) |
Julius II Papa IULIUS Secundus |
Giuliano della Rovere | Albisola, Republic of Genoa | 59 / 69 | Nephew of Sixtus IV; Convened the Fifth Council of the Lateran, 1512. Took effective control of the whole territory of the Papal States for the first time. Commissioned Michelangelo to paint theSistine Chapel ceiling. Proposed plans for rebuilding of St Peter’s Basilica | |
217 | 9 March 1513 – 1 December 1521 (8 years, 267 days) |
Leo X Papa LEO Decimus |
Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici | Florence, Republic of Florence | 37 / 45 | Son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Excommunicated Martin Luther. Extended the Spanish Inquisition into Portugal. | |
218 | 9 January 1522 – 14 September 1523 (1 year, 248 days) |
Adrian VI Papa HADRIANUS Sextus |
Adriaan Floriszoon Boeyens | Utrecht, Bishopric of Utrecht,Holy Roman Empire (presently The Netherlands) | 62 / 64 | The only Dutch pope but also known as a German Pope. Last non-Italian to be elected pope until John Paul II in 1978. The tutor of Emperor Charles V | |
219 | 26 November 1523 – 25 September 1534 (10 years, 303 days) |
Clement VII Papa CLEMENS Septimus |
Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici | Florence, Republic of Florence | 45 / 56 | Cousin of Leo X. Rome plundered by imperial troops (“Sacco di Roma“), 1527. He forbade the divorce of Henry VIII and crowned Charles V Emperor at Bologna in 1530. His niece Catherine de’ Medici was married to the future Henry II of France. | |
220 | 13 October 1534 – 10 November 1549 (15 years, 28 days) |
Paul III Papa PAULUS Tertius |
Alessandro Farnese | Canino, Lazio, Papal States | 66 / 81 | Opened the Council of Trent in 1545. His illegitimate son became the first Duke of Parma. | |
221 | 7 February 1550 – 29 March 1555 (5 years, 50 days) |
Julius III Papa IULIUS Tertius |
Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte | Rome, Papal States | 62 / 67 | Established the Collegium Germanicum. | |
222 | 9 April 1555 – 30 April or 1 May 1555 (0 years, 21/22 days) |
Marcellus II Papa MARCELLUS Secundus |
Marcello Cervini | Montefano, Marche, Papal States | 53 / 53 | Last to use birth name as regnal name | |
223 | 23 May 1555 – 18 August 1559 (4 years, 87 days) |
Paul IV Papa PAULUS Quartus |
Giovanni Pietro Carafa, C.R. | Capriglia Irpina, Campania, Kingdom of Naples | 78 / 83 | ||
224 | 26 December 1559 – 9 December 1565 (5 years, 348 days) |
Pius IV Papa PIUS Quartus |
Giovanni Angelo Medici | Milan, Duchy of Milan | 60 / 66 | Reopened the Council of Trent, 1562, it concluded its proceedings in 1563 | |
225 | 7 January 1566 – 1 May 1572 (6 years, 115 days) |
St Pius V Papa PIUS Quintus |
Michele Ghislieri, O.P. | Bosco, Duchy of Milan | 61 / 68 | Member of the Dominican Order. Excommunicated Elizabeth I of England, 1570. Victory of Lepanto 1571 | |
226 | 13 May 1572 – 10 April 1585 (12 years, 332 days) |
Gregory XIII Papa GREGORIUS Tertius Decimus |
Ugo Boncompagni | Bologna, Papal States | 70 / 83 | Reform of the calendar 1582 | |
227 | 24 April 1585 – 27 August 1590 (5 years, 125 days) |
Sixtus V Papa XYSTUS Quintus |
Felice Peretti, O.F.M. Conv. | Grottammare, Marche, Papal States | 63 / 68 | Member of the Conventual Franciscan Order. | |
228 | 15 September 1590 – 27 September 1590 (0 years, 12 days) |
Urban VII Papa URBANUS Septimus |
Giovanni Battista Castagna | Rome, Papal States | 69 / 69 | Shortest-reigning pope; died before coronation. | |
229 | 5 December 1590 – 15/16 October 1591 (0 years, 314/315 days) |
Gregory XIV Papa GREGORIUS Quartus Decimus |
Niccolò Sfondrati | Somma Lombardo, Duchy of Milan | 55 / 56 | ||
230 | 29 October 1591 – 30 December 1591 (0 years, 62 days) |
Innocent IX Papa INNOCENTIUS Nonus |
Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti | Bologna, Papal States | 72 / 72 | ||
231 | 30 January 1592 – 3 March 1605 (13 years, 32 days) |
Clement VIII Papa CLEMENS Octavus |
Ippolito Aldobrandini | Fano, Marche, Papal States | 55 / 69 | Convened the Congregatio de Auxiliis which addressed doctrinal disputes between the Dominicans and Jesuits regarding free will and divine grace.[11] |
17th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
232 | 1 April 1605 – 27 April 1605 (0 years, 26 days) |
Leo XI Papa LEO Undecimus |
Alessandro Ottaviano de’ Medici | Florence, Duchy of Florence | 69 / 69 | Nephew of Leo X. | |
233 | 16 May 1605 – 28 January 1621 (15 years, 257 days) |
Paul V Papa PAULUS Quintus |
Camillo Borghese | Rome, Papal States | 52 / 68 | Known for building projects, including the facade of St Peter’s Basilica. | |
234 | 9 February 1621 – 8 July 1623 (2 years, 149 days) |
Gregory XV Papa GREGORIUS Quintus Decimus |
Alessandro Ludovisi | Bologna, Papal States | 67 / 69 | Established the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, 1622. | |
235 | 6 August 1623 – 29 July 1644 (20 years, 358 days) |
Urban VIII Papa URBANUS Octavus |
Maffeo Barberini | Florence, Grand Duchy of Tuscany | 55 / 76 | Trial against Galileo Galilei | |
236 | 15 September 1644 – 7 January 1655 (10 years, 114 days) |
Innocent X Papa INNOCENTIUS Decimus |
Giovanni Battista Pamphilj | Rome, Papal States | 70 / 80 | Great-great-great-grandson of Alexander VI. | |
237 | 7 April 1655 – 22 May 1667 (12 years, 45 days) |
Alexander VII Papa ALEXANDER Septimus |
Fabio Chigi | Siena, Grand Duchy of Tuscany | 56 / 68 | Great-nephew of Paul V. Commissioned St. Peter’s Square. | |
238 | 20 June 1667 – 9 December 1669 (2 years, 172 days) |
Clement IX Papa CLEMENS Nonus |
Giulio Rospigliosi | Pistoia, Grand Duchy of Tuscany | 67 / 69 | Commissioned the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square. | |
239 | 29 April 1670 – 22 July 1676 (6 years, 84 days) |
Clement X Papa CLEMENS Decimus |
Emilio Altieri | Rome, Papal States | 79 / 86 | Canonized the first saint from the Americas, Saint Rose of Lima, in 1671. | |
240 | 21 September 1676 – 11/12 August 1689 (12 years, 324/325 days) |
Bd. Innocent XI Papa INNOCENTIUS Undecimus |
Benedetto Odescalchi | Como, Duchy of Milan | 65 / 78 | Suspected to have secretly funded William III of Orange‘s Glorious Revolution to overthrow the Catholic James II of England. | |
241 | 6 October 1689 – 1 February 1691 (1 year, 118 days) |
Alexander VIII Papa ALEXANDER Octavus |
Pietro Vito Ottoboni | Venice, Republic of Venice | 79 / 80 | ||
242 | 12 July 1691 – 27 September 1700 (9 years, 77 days) |
Innocent XII Papa INNOCENTIUS Duodecimus |
Antonio Pignatelli | Spinazzola, Kingdom of Naples | 76 / 85 | Issued Romanum decet Pontificem, 1692. |
18th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
243 | 23 November 1700 – 19 March 1721 (20 years, 116 days) |
Clement XI Papa CLEMENS Undecimus |
Giovanni Francesco Albani | Urbino, Marche, Papal States | 51 / 71 | Chinese Rites controversy | |
244 | 8 May 1721 – 7 March 1724 (2 years, 304 days) |
Innocent XIII Papa INNOCENTIUS Tertius Decimus |
Michelangelo de’ Conti | Poli, Lazio, Papal States | 65 / 68 | ||
245 | 29 May 1724 – 21 February 1730 (5 years, 268 days) |
Benedict XIII Papa BENEDICTUS Tertius Decimus |
Pierfrancesco Orsini, O.P. | Gravina in Puglia, Kingdom of Naples | 75 / 81 | Member of the Dominican Order. Third and last member of the Orsini family to be Pope. | |
246 | 12 July 1730 – 6 February 1740 (9 years, 209 days) |
Clement XII Papa CLEMENS Duodecimus |
Lorenzo Corsini | Florence, Grand Duchy of Tuscany | 78 / 87 | Completed the new façade of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, 1735. Commissioned the Trevi Fountain, 1732. | |
247 | 17 August 1740 – 3 May 1758 (17 years, 259 days) |
Benedict XIV Papa BENEDICTUS Quartus Decimus |
Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini | Bologna, Papal States | 65 / 83 | ||
248 | 6 July 1758 – 2 February 1769 (10 years, 211 days) |
Clement XIII Papa CLEMENS Tertius Decimus |
Carlo della Torre Rezzonico | Venice, Republic of Venice | 65 / 75 | Provided the famous fig leaves on male statues in the Vatican. Defended the Society of Jesus in Apostolicum pascendi, 1765. | |
249 | 19 May 1769 – 22 September 1774 (5 years, 126 days) |
Clement XIV Papa CLEMENS Quartus Decimus |
Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli,O.F.M. Conv. | Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Papal States | 63 / 68 | Member of the Conventual Franciscan Order. Suppressed the Jesuit Order. | |
250 | 15 February 1775 – 29 August 1799 (24 years, 195 days) |
Pius VI Papa PIUS Sextus |
Count Giovanni Angelo Braschi | Cesena, Papal States | 57 / 81 | Condemned the French Revolution and was expelled from the Papal States by French troops from 1798 until his death. | |
N/A | 29 August 1799 –14 March 1800 |
Interregnum | six month period without a valid pope elected. This was due to unique logistical problems (the old pope died a prisoner and the Conclave was in Venice) and a deadlock among cardinals voting. |
19th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
251 | 14 March 1800 – 20 August 1823 (23 years, 159 days) |
Pius VII Papa PIUS Septimus |
Count Barnaba Niccolò Maria Luigi Chiaramonti, O.S.B. | Cesena, Papal States | 57 / 81 | Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. Present at Napoleon’scoronation as Emperor of the French. Temporarily expelled from the Papal States by the French between 1809 and 1814. | |
252 | 28 September 1823 – 10 February 1829 (5 years, 135 days) |
Leo XII Papa LEO Duodecimus |
Count Annibale Francesco Clemente Melchiore Girolamo Nicola Sermattei della Genga | Genga or Spoleto, Papal States | 63 / 68 | Placed the Catholic educational system under the control of the Jesuits through Quod divina sapientia, 1824. | |
253 | 31 March 1829 – 30 November 1830 (1 year, 244 days) |
Pius VIII Papa PIUS Octavus |
Francesco Saverio Castiglioni | Cingoli, Marche, Papal States | 67 / 69 | Accepted Louis Philippe I as King of the French. | |
254 | 2 February 1831 – 1 June 1846 (15 years, 119 days) |
Gregory XVI Papa GREGORIUS Sextus Decimus |
Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari, O.S.B. Cam. | Belluno, Republic of Venice | 65 / 80 | Member of the Camaldolese Order. The last non-bishop to be elected | |
255 | 16 June 1846 – 7 February 1878 (31 years, 236 days) |
Bd. Pius IX Papa PIUS Nonus |
Count Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti,O.F.S. | Senigallia, Marche, Papal States | 54 / 85 | Opened First Vatican Council; lost the Papal States to Italy. Longest serving pope in history (see note on St Peter.) | |
256 | 20 February 1878 – 20 July 1903 (25 years, 150 days) |
Leo XIII Papa LEO Tertius Decimus |
Gioacchino Vincenzo Raffaele Luigi Pecci,O.F.S. | Carpineto Romano,Lazio, Papal States. | 67 / 93 | Issued the encyclical on social teaching, Rerum Novarum (On Capital and Labor) and supported Christian democracy as against communism; the fourth-longest reigning pope after Pius IX, St Peterand John Paul II. |
20th century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal Motto Latin (English) |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
257 | 4 August 1903 – 20 August 1914 (11 years, 16 days) |
St Pius X Papa PIUS Decimus |
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto | Riese, Lombardy-Venetia, Austrian Empire | 68 / 79 | Encouraged and expanded reception of Holy Communion, and combatted Modernistic theology. Most recent pope to be canonized. | |
258 | 3 September 1914 – 22 January 1922 (7 years, 141 days) |
Benedict XV Papa BENEDICTUS Quintus Decimus |
Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista della Chiesa | Genoa, Kingdom of Sardinia | 59 / 67 | Credited for intervening for peace during World War I. Remembered by Pope Benedict XVI as “prophet of peace”. | |
259 | 6 February 1922 – 10 February 1939 (17 years, 4 days) |
Pius XI Papa PIUS Undecimus |
Achille Ambrogio Damiano Ratti | Desio, Lombardy-Venetia, Austrian Empire | 64 / 81 | Signed the Lateran Treaty with Italy, establishing the Vatican City as a sovereign state. Created the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. | |
260 | 2 March 1939 – 9 October 1958 (19 years, 221 days) |
Ven. Pius XII Papa PIUS Duodecimus Opus Justitiae Pax (“The work of justice [shall be] peace”) |
Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli | Rome, Italy | 63 / 82 | Invoked papal infallibility in encyclical Munificentissimus Deus. | |
261 | 28 October 1958 – 3 June 1963 (4 years, 218 days) |
Bd. John XXIII Papa IOANNES Vicesimus Tertius Obedientia et Pax (“Obedience and peace”) |
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli | Sotto il Monte, Bergamo, Italy | 76 / 81 | Opened Second Vatican Council; sometimes called “Good Pope John”. | |
262 | 21 June 1963 – 6 August 1978 (15 years, 46 days) |
Ven. Paul VI Papa PAULUS Sextus Cum Ipso in Monte (“With Him on the mount”) |
Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini | Concesio, Brescia, Italy | 65 / 80 | The last pope to be crowned with the Papal Tiara. First pope to travel to the United States. Concluded Second Vatican Council. | |
263 | 26 August 1978 – 28 September 1978 (0 years, 33 days) |
Servant of God John Paul I Papa IOANNES PAULUS Primus Humilitas (“Humility”) |
Albino Luciani | Forno di Canale, Veneto, Italy | 65 / 65 | First pope to use ‘the First’ in regnal name. First pope with two names, for his two immediate predecessors. | |
264 | 16 October 1978 – 2 April 2005 (26 years, 168 days) |
Bd. John Paul II Papa IOANNES PAULUS Secundus Totus Tuus (“Totally yours”) |
Karol Józef Wojtyła | Wadowice, Poland | 58 / 84 | First Polish pope, first non-Italian pope in 455 years and first pope to travel to Canada. Canonized more saints than all predecessors. Traveled extensively. Third longest known reign after Pius IX and St Peter. Beatified by Pope Benedict XVI. |
21st century
Numerical order | Pontificate | Portrait | Name English · Regnal Motto Latin (English) |
Personal name | Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy | Notes |
265 | 19 April 2005 – 28 February 2013 (7 years, 315 days) |
Benedict XVI Papa BENEDICTUS Sextus Decimus Cooperatores Veritatis (“Cooperators of the truth”) |
Joseph Alois Ratzinger | Marktl am Inn, Bavaria, Germany | 78 / 85 | Oldest to become pope since Pope Clement XII in 1730. Elevated theTridentine Mass to a more prominent position. First pope to renounce the Papacy on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294,[12]retaining regnal name with title of pope emeritus.[13] | |
266 | 13 March 2013 – present (0 years, 20 days) |
Francis Papa FRANCISCUS Miserando atque Eligendo (“by having mercy, by choosing him”)[14] |
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. | Buenos Aires, Argentina | 76 / – | First pope born outside Europe since St. Gregory III and first from the Americas. First Pope from the Southern Hemisphere. First Jesuitpope. First to use a new and non-composed regnal name sinceLando (913–914). |
A bit of history on the Roman church – it was in 325 AD JC at the council of Nicea – now Iznik Turkey – attended by the Emperor Constantine – the first Christian Emperor of Rome – his legacy, because of his conversion to Christianity – was to make christianity the official religion of the empire – and thus the papacy itself was established – the council took place starting June 19 325 AD Julian Calendar, run the chart for sunrise, Constantine arrived 14th June, the council commenced its formal meetings on the 19th and concluded them on the 25 August 325 AD JC.
One of the major concerns was the expunging of the Heterodox Heresy of Origen, that the Father was not the original creator.
There were 318 Bishops in attendance.
This chart has been tested against events in the Roman Church and found to be radical, and still highly active.
Prior to this event the Roman Church did not effectively exist. There is no extant proof that ‘Jesus’ actually existed – but there is evidence of John the Baptist. Additionally the events of the story of Jesus as passed down to us do not match the actual known history of the period – alignment of Herod with various events (including the census) etc etc are not in accord with extant records.
Additionally the new testament is a compilation of apocryphal texts by various authors, most, if not all, of which were written down at least 2 and likely three hundred years after the events they purportedly depict. It is likely that the other work of the Council was the assembly of the official history of the religion and its teachings to make sure that the Heresy of Origen – and other matters, were excluded from doctrine – and what better way to do this than to write your own history – as is done by all governments and corporations world wide now.
Martin, I agree with you that a chart for the Pentecost (if it ever really happened) would not be a chart for the Catholic Church per se. For those who advocate a 325 AD chart, do they propose a time, also?
the time I use for this chart is Dawn – 4:36 am LMT – Constantine arrived June 14th. The council commenced June 19th 325 AD JC
The Roman Catholic Church has always taken liberties with the truth, concerning herself, the New Testament, Church history, so-called saints, Mary the mother of Yeshua, the Apostles, and even about Yeshua. But the fact of the matter, Martin, is that the Catholic Church existed long before the Council of Nicene in 325AD. She was born in the turmoil following the fall of Jerusalem. First, the Jews shoved the Jewish followers of the Way out of Judiasm. Soon afterward, Roman and Greek converts overwhelmed the Jewish followers of the Way and turned such into the travesty that has become known as Christianity. At that point, the Catholic Church was born. Even so, I will agree with you about the writings in the New Testament to degree that the Roman Catholic Church has twisted the truth about their origins. It is close to a sure bet that none of the Apostles wrote any of them. John most definitely did not write the religious novel the Gospel of John. Likewise, he did write the Book of Revelation, which is of exceedingly dubious inspiration, considering the fact that it begins and ends with false prophecies by claiming that its supposed prophecies would unfold soon (as in the near future–ie, within a generation or two). Nevertheless, all that the Council of Nicene did, besides alienate many Christians, while codifying the Catholic Church’s pagan-inspired blasphemy (the nonsense that Jesus is God) through the Nicene Creed, was make official what had been going on for two and a half centuries….
Yes–very bad times are coming. The end of civilization as we known it will occur during the next couple of decades. So-called Christianity is doomed. God and the Son will replace it with the Truth. Perhaps, some of what the book of Revelation predicts will occur. A figure that could be termed the Anticchrist is already here. He is in one or another part of what was once Yugoslavia. He will work closely with the Roman Catholic Church–or vice versa–which will lead to the church’s death. Likewise, he will destroy Israel and most Islamic nations. But he and a figure that could be termed the False Prophet will not succeed in ruling the entire Earth. China and the nations of Central Asia will oppose them. So, too, will Russia or whatever is left of her after the war that destroys America and wrecks Western Europe. I seriously doubt that India and indonesia will play along with them, either….
William Stickevers, I cannot say if your charts are correct. They sound as if they probably are…This topic is exceedingly interesting. Perhaps, you should try to cast a chart for Yeshua. Keep in mind that he was older than Luke claims when he began his ministry. The good bet is that he was born in either 6BC or 7BC since he was probably born at least two years before Herod the Great perished. I have long thought he was probably born around May 23, 7BC due to the Jupiter/Saturn-Moon conjunction in Pisces….
I separate the birth of the religion from the birth of the Roman Church – it was not the Roman church until Constantine converted and the core doctrine was set in cement. These are astrological matters and issues – and not ones concerning the various and widespread turmoil within the forming religion – before the council of Nicea there was a great deal of argument within the church – almost schismatic in fact – over a range of issues – the council of Nicea settled it. Before Nicea the Church had no central rulership. After the council there was stability and the centrality of Rome emerged.. That’s all – I personally could care less what the religious beliefs are or what they concern or indeed whether they mean anything. The issue is – what – if any – is the turning point in the early church that consolidated it and placed its center in Rome – leading to the Hierarchical structure that endured for the past – however long…
I believe that the Council of Nicea was that event…
Now – Does anyone have even a putative timing on Moses bringing the ten commandments to the Jews?
I agree that a great deal of turmoil attended so-called Christianity before the Council of Nicene. But the fact of the matter is that the Catholic Church began way back, during the times that I mentioned. Though it might not have always officially been the “Roman Catholic” Church, the bishop of Rome and his cronies held more sway over the Catholic Church than did anyone else from the waning decades of the First Century onward. The organization that became the official Roman Catholic Church was the very same organization that began in the aftermath of the fall of Jerusalem–the point in which the Way began devolving into Christianity. At that point, the capitial of the movement shifted from Jerusalem to Rome…Keep in mind that so-called Christianity included various movements, sects, and cults before the Council of Nicene. The most prominent of them was the Catholic Church–the so-called orthodox faith…Actually, the hierarchal structure that you are referring to dates back to Ignatius. His influence helped such become a formal reality within the Catholic Church and most of the remainder of Christianity…From my perspective, the Council of Nicene is the point in which the Catholic Church formalized her apostasy and began committing spiritual adultery with the Roman Emperor. So, yes, it was a huge turning point….
Oh, by the way, the day of Pentecost was the birth of the Way, which was hijacked by Roman and Greek converts that transformed such into so-called Christianity, which they polluted with their pagan notions….
One other by the way, was not the zodiac nearly a full sign ahead of where it is now in the year 33AD due to the great cycle that causes the zodiac to drift counterclockwise one degree every seventy-two years? If so, the sun would have been in late Gemini or early Cancer instead of Taurus on May 22, 33BC.
that would be if we mistake the two zodiacs for each other – the zodiac we use is the tropical zodiac – the one you are referring to is the so called sidereal zodiac – Tropicality defines 0 Aries as being when the Sun crosses Zero declination moving North – that is when the Sun is exactly over head at the equator. – Our tropical cycle is the cycle of the Sun’s declination – its seasonal in the Northern hemisphere. This, by the way, defines Astrology as a Northern Hemisphere art.
Around 0 CE we are looking at an almost perfect alignment of Tropical and sidereal zodiacs… So 0 Aries sidereal was very close to zero Aries Tropical – 2000 years ago there was less separation between the zodiacs..
The rate of precesson is 72 years = 1 degree of shift in the alignment. There is not full agreement of constellational alignment with either zodiac since the separation of the constellations and their actual span are not 30 degree segments with clear start and stop boundaries – the zodiacs we use are conventions – Sidereal is defined by a Fiducial – in the case of the Lahiri Ayanamsa the star Spica is used as the fixed point. The idea of a fixed point relates only to the actual stars…. There is a lot of work written on this – if you are really interested in the matter then I recommend a two volume book – Secrets of the Ancient Skies by Diana K Rosenberg – she was the worlds authority on the stars, their alignments and meanings – the book was published just before her death. You can find it by Google search and it is fascinating reading – and a great tool for consulting astrologers.
AS for the birth chart of Yeshua –
Don Jacobs – “Moby Dick” argued for this date for birth. 1 March 7 BC JC 1:21 am LMT, Bethlehem
Asc – 12 Sag 54
MC 26 Virgo 00
Moon 6 Pisces 04, Sun 8 Pisces 11
I won’t speculate as to whether the chart is radical or not – but as a Uranian astrologer – I can tell you it has most of the necessary interactions.
Thanks for the tip concerning the book…The day that you mention might well be the right one. The problem is that the so-called Star of Bethleham–the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn–was still nearly two months away. It was exact on May 23, 7BC. If the Magi were interested in such matters, they would have known that Jupiter and Saturn would conjoin on that date. It would have been a lovely sight. Plus, it would have been Saturday. That is far more likely of a day for Yeshua to be born on than a Sunday. Besides, a Uranus-Jupiter conjunction would have not meant anything to the Magi or anyone else since Uranus was invisible and unknown to them…As for the Tropical/Sideral matter. I know your assertions are correct. But it makes no sense to me to use a fixed tropical system since the actual zodiac migrates.
tropical – sidereal – they are both simply frames of reference – astrology – the meaning or intent of the stars – is based on the study of the fixed stars and the peregrinations of the wanderers (planets) in relation to them – our delineations of the zodiacs is artificial…
And I believe the Magi story to be a fiction….I think the ‘star’ they saw was a Nova – but that’s a hard thing to prove…
And the ancient astrologers not only charted the conjunctions of the chronocrators Saturn and Jupiter – they knew where to expect them in their conjunctions – I believe that what is referred to in the story of the Magi is a transposition in time to make the birth auspicious….
I agree that the story of the Magi is fictious. None of it makes any sense. Herod’s spies would have trailed them to Bethleham–and that would have been the end of the story…As far as a nova being the culprit, Chinese astronomers noted no nova, during the period that Yeshua was born. They kept meticulous records of such phenomina. But, of course, they might have missed one. There might also be a hole in their records. I, however, still think a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces would be a worthy component of Yeshua’s chart. But I am no astrologer–just a seeker of knowledge and truth…It is funny that you mention fixed stars. Recently, I became curious about them and their relationship to astrology. And so, I cast a chart revealing the angles between many of the most conspicuopus of them and the planets in my birth chart…I do not know how astrology works. But I do realize there is definitely something to it. I wish I had known more about it way back in my youth. I would have made fewer mistakes and avoided certain individuals that I allowed myself to wander to close to. Oh well. Live and learn….
The biblical accounts point to the fall of the year as the most likely time of Jesus’ birth, based on the conception and birth of John the Baptist.
Since Elizabeth (John’s mother) was in her sixth month of pregnancy when Jesus was conceived (Luke:1:24-36), we can determine the approximate time of year Jesus was born if we know when John was born. John’s father, Zacharias, was a priest serving in the Jerusalem temple during the course of Abijah (Luke:1:5). Historical calculations indicate this course of service corresponded to June 13-19 in that year (The Companion Bible,1974, Appendix 179, p. 200). It was during this time of temple service that Zacharias learned that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a child (Luke:1:8-13). After he completed his service and traveled home, Elizabeth conceived (Luke:1:23-24). Assuming John’s conception took place near the end of June, adding nine months brings us to the mid-late March as the most likely time for John’s birth. Adding another six months (the difference in ages between John and Jesus) brings us to mid- to late-September as the likely time of Jesus’ birth.
Their is facts and fiction or myth one must be able to distinguish the two ! Mystery prophecy are not the same concept. False Prophets are many true Prophets are few. As most agree charlatans abound hoping to make their living selling predictions and prophecy often false and lies !
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The First Christmas Celebration – 336 A.D.
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Regarding the last Reply of James Trusty, Chinese astronomers DID note a striking celestial event at the time of Jesus’ birth:
God in Ancient China Part 1
God in Ancient China Part 2
I think this needs to be updated.