New Moon in Libra

The October 16th New Moon at 23°55′ Libra forms a challenging T-square alignment with the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. The October New Moon also aligns with the benefic fixed star Spica, testimonies that augur a period of intense experiences and the confrontation with challenging and provocative aspects of life that are strange, profound, weird, mysterious, or taboo. 

The New Moon indicates a period where one will have an inner urge to be continually going farther or deeper than ever before to overcome life obstacles and setbacks. However, there will be a tendency to seesaw between one’s faith, vision and high aspirations, and prudence, pragmatism, and realism (based real data sources).

Also, this will be a period where one will have a strong interest in social justice and political power and the role that money, politics, and economics play in people’s lives.

The New Moon begins the seasonal change from Mabon to Samhain – the start of the winter season, that is traditionally an intensely magical time of the year for mediumship, spellcasting, divination, and celebration of the deceased ancestors through recipes and crafts. Therefore, the New Moon augurs a period were the mysterious and the unknown will likely fascinate one’s imagination more than usual prompting one to investigate the supernatural or some subject matter that is hidden or taboo. The need to know what is truly going on behind the scenes will become paramount, along with becoming deeply curious about economics, political, or social power, big business, and the motives and powers-that-be behind the social facade.

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William Stickevers is an astrological consultant, hypnotist, life coach, and business strategist, advising clients from 28 countries for over three decades with strategy and insight to live a more fulfilled life according to their soul’s code and calling.

A trends forecaster, William’s annual global forecasts are backed by a deep study of economies, geopolitics, archetypal cosmology, and modern astrological forecasting techniques. William’s predictions for the outcome of the U.S. Midterm and Presidential Elections are well documented on his blog.

In his Global Transformation Astrology (GTA) membership, William gives two webinars with Q&A every month with research and analysis of real-world economies, finance, and geopolitics with an archetypal and traditional and modern mundane astrological perspective. Plus a monthly Ask Me Anything session.

William has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes and JV Johnson, The Jerry Wills Show, and Alan Steinfeld’s New Realities. An international speaker, William has lectured at the New York Open Center, Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), two Funai Media events in Tokyo, Japan, the United Astrology Conference (2018), for the National Center for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey, San Francisco chapters), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Europe (Munich, Germany, and Bucharest) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama).

More information on Consultations and Forecast Webinars are at his website


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