Question Asked By Astrologer 7/1/2015 at 10:15 am PDT, San Francisco, CA.
According to Vegas Odds-makers there is a 71% probability that the YES Vote will be the result of the Greek Referendum Vote. Therefore, the Yes Vote is the house favorite and assigned to the 1st House, and the No Vote is Underdog is assigned to the 7th House. The 10th House represents the European Union and the Moon is the Greek people.
Horary Analysis:
Mercury rules the Ascendant, dignified by sign and placed in the 10th House of the European Union. Jupiter rules the 7th House, somewhat dignified by term, with modest strength placed in the cadent 12th House. The Moon is in its detriment by sign, in opposition to the malefic Mars and the Sun (universal indicator of the Greek leadership), testimonies of a demoralized and angry electorate that will become defiant to its nations leadership in the coming days.
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