Unlike many astrologers out there, I track the incoming raw polling data from all the Key Battleground States (sorry, but New York and California are on among them). Since late August Hillary’s poll numbers have plummeted around 9-10 points with Trump reaching parity with her by September 16th, indicating her campaign has lost its footing and momentum and needed a jolt from this debate.
Hillary, the favorite to win the General Election, had all the pressure on her and needed a big, defining moment last night to game-change her campaign, and didn’t get it. As of today, she now trails Trump in key battleground states won by President Obama in 2012, and the national polling is tied. Even though the mainstream media has scored a win for Hillary, keep in mind that Trump is the outsider in a year when two-thirds (69%) of the American people think the nation is on the wrong track.

The bottom line is Hillary’s campaign is rapidly losing altitude, a fact that her supporters are aware of, and even the press can no longer deny. The trend lines are not in her favor, and she doesn’t have the luxury of a good economy to run on, nor the astrological transits to her natal horoscope for that matter. If Hillary’s performance is not good enough to stop Trump’s momentum in the coming days ahead, something needs to change, and change fast.
Prediction: Trump’s momentum will continue to accelerate and intensify, with his poll numbers in the Key Battle Ground States of Pennsylvania and Virginia superseding Hillary’s in the coming weeks ahead.
• I am more committed to the truth and outcome of political contest than my own political expectations or preferences.
• I call it as I see it, not as I want it.
• I have been a registered Independent since 1984.
• I am a political atheist; I don’t believe in political parties.
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No fan of Hillary, but the scientific polls have yet to come out. We can’t go by online polls where people use multiple personalities to vote over and over again.