Lectures, Webinars, Classes, and Workshops scheduled for 2018.
To be notified when registration opens for events, sign up for occasional emails with news and event updates at www.williamstickevers.com.
Global Outlook 2018: Republic of Turkey
February 2, 2018
By special request, I am once again giving a live webinar presentation on what lies ahead for the Republic of Turkey to a private group in Istanbul.
Geodetic Forecast based on the 2018 Aries Ingress
March 25, 2018
10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT / 6:00pm BST
Check your Local Time here
Areas Across the Globe Where We Can Anticipate the Powerful and Volatile Archetypal Earthquakes and Shifts That Are Likely to Occur Over the Forthcoming Astrological New Year, and more.
The Economic and Political Future of the United States based on the Barbault Planetary Cyclic Index
May 25, 2018 | 4:30pm – 5:45pm
United Astrology Conference (UAC) 2018
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile
Chicago, IL
The Trump Era and E.T. Disclosure
July 22, 2018 | 12:00pm PDT / 3:00pm EDT / 8:00pm BST
Check your local time here
Stay tuned for webinar and registration details.
Eclipse Basics for Making Forecasts
September 9, 2018
Stay tuned for more details.
The Coming Global Economic Reset
October 19, 2018 | 4:30-5:30pm
2030: The Geopolitical Rise of the Red Dragon
October 20, 2018 | 9-10am
Archetypal Astrology Through the Planetary Cyclic Index
October 22, 2018 | 2-5pm
I was invited to speak at the 2018 SOTA Astrology Conference in upstate New York. If you’re in the area or will be traveling to that region to see the fall colors, I hope to see you there.
State Of The Art (SOTA) Astrology Conference
Millennium Buffalo Hotel
Cheektowaga-Buffalo, NY