Rectification is an astrological method most commonly used to determine a person’s birth time, when only an approximate time of birth is available or uncertain.
The premise underlying birth chart rectification is based on the supposition that the natal horoscope should symbolically reflect both the personality structure and essential character as well as important events that occurred in their personal biography. By working backward in time and comparing those important dates (from the known events in the person’s life) to planetary placements that were active in their horoscope, it is plausible to infer a probable time of birth.
More information on Birth Chart Recitifcation Consultations by William Stickevers can be found here.
Edgar Cayce (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American Christian psychic, healer, spiritual teacher, and mystic, who answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, astrology, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events while under a self-induced hypnotic trance. Other abilities that have been attributed to Cayce include astral projection, prophesying, mediumship, viewing the Akashic Records or “Book of Life”, and seeing auras. Cayce said he became interested in learning more about these subjects after he was informed about the content of his readings, which he reported that he never actually heard himself. Biographer Jess Stearn gave him the nickname, “The Sleeping Prophet.” A nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), was founded to facilitate the study of Cayce’s work. A hospital and a university were also established.
Cayce became a celebrity toward the end of his life, and he believed the publicity given to his prophecies overshadowed the more important parts of his work, such as healing the sick and studying religion. Today, a total of 14,306 of his readings are available at A.R.E. Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach and an online member-only section along with background information, correspondence, and follow-up documentation. Historians now consider him the true founder and a principal source of the most characteristic beliefs of the American “New Age” Movement and modern Christian Mysticism.
Edgar Cayce’s Birth Time
Biographer Thomas Sugrue from “There is a River”, quotes Cayce’s grandmother (p.59) “I heard the first squall you made at three o’clock exactly”, as his birth time. Report 4 reading 254-2 quotes a letter which Edgar Cayce wrote to Ms. 516 on September 16, 1935 which he states, “…I was born on March 18, 1877, in Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky, at 1:30 o’clock on a Sunday afternoon. However, I have had several astrologers tell me it was impossible for me to have been born at that time, else I would have been a girl. But this is the actual record from my parents, the physician, and the birth certificate record…” Thus, according to Edgar Cayce’s own account, his birth certificate listed his time of birth as 1:30 PM. The kind of
time isn’t mentioned, but Local Mean Time (LMT) was observed before November 18, 1883. Also, Cayce’s location of birth is usually given as Hopkinsville, Kentucky, but the information on the
Cayce Readings CD-ROM published by A.R.E. says he was born on a farm near Beverly, Kentucky, about seven miles south of Hopkinsville.
In 1996, a rectification by astrologer William Stickevers, sponsored by the Edgar Cayce Center of Japan and under the advisory and oversight of Mark Thurston, Ph.D. using A.I.R. Rectification software module, resulted in a 1:10 PM LMT birth time based on the 28 documented events from Cayce’s historical biography.
28 Documented Events from Cayce’s Historical Biography
- On June 18 1881, Edgar witnesses the horse accident which causes the death of his grandfather.
- On March 16, 1886, had his first mystical vision of a bright and beautiful lady with wings. The Lady told him his prayers had been answered and offered him whatever he wanted most in life. His request was “to be helpful to others, especially to children when they are sick.”
- On January 1, 1894, the Cayce family moves to Hopkinsville.
- On March 14 1897, Cayce becomes engaged to Gertrude Evans.
- On December 14, 1899, he returns home and forms a partnership with his father, Leslie Cayce, then insurance agent.
- On March 24, 1900 a partial paralysis of the vocal cords makes him unable to speak beyond a whisper.
- On March 31, 1900 gives his first psychic reading under hypnosis.
- On August 3, 1902 returns to Hopkinsville regarding the medical situation of regarding a little girl called Aime Dietrich, a case which played an essential pivotal role in the future historical development of the Cayce readings.
- On June 17, 1903 married Gertrude Evans.
- On September 1, 1904 Cayce opens a photographic studio with business partner Frank Potter.
- On December 23 1906, a fire destroys all the art work he has on consignment.
- On March 16, 1907 first child born, son Hugh Lynn Cayce.
- On October 9, 1910 The New York Times publishes ‘Illiterate Man Becomes A Doctor When Hypnotized’, a long article on Edgar Cayce’s psychic powers.
- On April 22 1911, Cayce first validates the doctrine of reincarnation in reading 4841-1.
- On May 17, 1911 second son Milton Porter dies.
- On September 21, 1911 Cayce acquires his own studio Photographic in Selma (Alabama).
- On October 10, 1922 the Birmingham Post-Herald quotes Cayce as saying that he had given 8,056 readings total.
- On September 10 1923, hires permanent secretary, Gladys Davis who was then 18 years old. From that time on, she will be part of the Cayce family.
- On September 15, 1923 this becomes another pivotal turning point in the Cayce readings, which played another essential pivotal role in the future historical development of the Cayce readings validating the metaphysical foundation of astrology and the concept of reincarnation.
- On October 15, 1926 Cayce’s mother Carrie Cayce died.
- October 11 1928 the Cayce Hospital Opens in Virginia Beach.
- On September 22 1930 Atlantic University opens its doors.
- On July 7, 1931 the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) was incorporated.
- On November 4, 1937 Cayce’s father Leslie B. Cayce died.
- On March 1, 1943 Cayce’s living biography, “There is a River” by Thomas Sugrue published.
- On September 1, 1943 Cayce rises to national prominence with the publication of a high-profile article in Coronet magazine: “Miracle Man of Virginia Beach” by Harmon Bro.
- On Sep 17 1944, gives his last reading, resulting in a total of 22,362 since 1900.
- On January 3, 1945 Cayce dies from exhaustion and illness due to post stroke complications.
Rectified Horoscope for Edgar Cayce for
March 18, 1877 at 1:10 PM LMT Beverly, Kentucky.
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Cayce’s General Characteristics
Earth and Water are Strong (F,E,A,W Scores = 1,18,0,30):
Cayce was a nurturer and a protector and prone to what has sometimes been referred to as the “Atlas Syndrome”, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. He took his responsibilities to others very seriously and often took on more than his share of their troubles as well. Though he appeared (and indeed often was)
rather passive, he possessed much quiet inner strength and the ability to flow with, endure, and emerge again and again from life’s inevitable adversities. He was apt to be surrounded by people who relied and depended upon him, and though he derived much satisfaction from providing, giving, and being needed, he could also let himself be drained emotionally and/or financially by taking care of other people and not caring sufficiently for himself.
Cayce had a very strong need for security and was a “safety-first” creature, disinclined to make sudden changes or to take new directions which involve risk and unpredictability. Any break from the past was very difficult for him and he needed a great deal of support when trying to make even healthy and positive changes in his life or habits.
Cayce was very retentive. He held on to (sometimes clung to) the people, places, and ways which he was familiar with. He also tended to both hold in and hold on to feelings, and he may have needed to learn to express and let go of old feelings and past conditioning.
Physically, he was apt to be hearty and substantial, with a tendency to be stout. Unless other astrological factors indicate otherwise, Cayce could also be downright lazy, especially when it comes to exercise. He instinctively chose comfort over challenge. (This is true in a broader sense as well, not only regarding physical exercise).
Cayce’s strengths included depth of feeling, patience, and generosity. The qualities he needed to cultivate included initiative, openness to change and new experience, and a stronger sense of self.
Fire is Weak (F,E,A,W Scores = 1,18,0,30):
Cayce was likely to be overly humble or unsure of himself and to look to others for inspiration, motivation, reinforcement, and approval. Tending to be somewhat passive, it would’ve been recommended that he learn how to take initiative and motivate himself.
A lack of warmth (either physically, emotionally, or both) may have been evident in him, which can show itself physically as a low energy level, paleness and lack of color in the skin, or a tendency to be easily chilled, and emotionally as a marked coolness or aloofness with little spiritedness, joyfulness, or enthusiasm for living. Eating warming, spicy foods, living in a warm, sunny place, and using fire in your daily life (lighting candles, using a wood stove or fireplace for heat) would’ve helped to balance him. Also, spending time with warm, cheerful, positive-minded people and developing a philosophy based on spiritual optimism could have stirred up his own zest of life.
Positively, Cayce was unlikely to be egocentric and have a capacity for great patience and peacefulness.
Air is Weak (F,E,A,W Scores = 1,18,0,30):
Cayce tended to lack the ability to analyze himself or his life in a detached, objective way. He felt and experienced but did not necessarily understand or reflect upon his experience, and thus found it hard to communicate or talk about it. Really taking in what someone else has to say could be hard for him – he did not readily adapt to new ideas or people, and as a result may have become inflexible or limit your experience of life. A broadening education and exposure to different cultures and types of people would have been very beneficial to him. Otherwise he would’ve been apt to be rigid and even prejudiced against those outside his own circle. (Arthritic conditions, poor flexibility, or poor circulation may reflect this).
Cayce also tended to distrust people who are free with words or to feel inferior to those who are more articulate and intellectual than himself. He learned much more readily by watching, doing, or apprenticing than by reading or by being told about something.
Cayce’s Approach Life and How He Appeared To Others
The following is a description of Cayce’s basic stance towards life, the way others saw him, the way he came across, the face he showed to the world.
Cancer Rising:
Cayce appeared gentle and soft, and acted rather reserved with others until he knew them well and felt it was safe to be open with them. He had a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and were deeply attached to the past:
his heritage, roots, family, cherished friends, familiar places, etc. Making radical changes
or moves away from what is known and safe could be very painful and difficult for Cayce. He tended to cling and hold on to people, memories, possessions of personal or sentimental significance. Having a home, a safe haven, was very important to him.
Cayce approached life emotionally and subjectively and was sensitive to the emotional atmosphere, the subtle undercurrents of feeling in and around him. Instinctive and non-rational, he was often unable to give a clear, simple explanation for his actions. Something FELT right, or it didn’t.
Cayce’s emotions and personal loyalties tended to color his thoughts and opinions. He viewed life from a very personal perspective and often could not mentally detach himself from his own personal bias and prejudices. He was apt to be concerned primarily with how something affected him and those dear and close to him, rather than with the principle or the broader social implications. For instance, he may have been very patriotic and feel that whatever “my country” does is right without really knowing much about the other nation’s policies or point of view. Put simply: if it is good for me and mine, it is good. If it is not good for me and mine, it is no good.
He was tenaciously loyal, protective, and supportive of those he cared about, and had a very strong nurturing, motherly nature (regardless of your gender). Cayce empathized with others and intuitively sensed the feelings and needs of other people. Compassionate and sympathetic, he was easily moved by others’ pain, and was often the one others seek out when they need comfort, reassurance, or help.
Cayce’s moods fluctuated and changed frequently and he was sometimes open, sometimes withdrawn emotionally. He communicated non-verbally and appreciated a person who could pick up subtle cues and hints, rather than having to make everything explicit.
He never forgot either kindness or unkindness shown to him.
Sun Trine Asc.:
Cayce radiated a sense of pride, self-assurance, and a definite awareness of his own importance. It was hard for others to ignore him when he was present, and his personality may have overshadowed or dominated the scene.
The Inner Self: Cayce’s Real Motivation
Ascendant in Cancer and Sun in Pisces:
In addition to Cayce’s strong personal loyalties and the devotion he felt for his nearest and dearest, he had great compassion and sensitivity to people of all walks of life. He had a gift for understanding and appreciating a wide variety of art styles and life styles.
His good heart and innocent, unsuspecting attitude could have made him a victim of others’ greed.
Sun in Pisces:
At heart Cayce was very gentle, impressionable, and receptive -a dreamer. The world of his imagination, feelings, and intuition were as real to him as anything in the outer world, though he may have had trouble verbalizing or interpreting his inner experiences in a way others could understand. Mystical, artistic, musical, emotional and imaginative, Cayce had a rich inner life, though he may have seemed rather unobtrusive and quiet outwardly. He usually kept to himself.
Cayce had great sensitivity and empathy with others, and he often sensed things psychically or intuitively which proved to be correct. He was tolerant, forgiving, and nonjudgmental, accepting people unconditionally regardless of their flaws, mistakes, or outward appearance. He had deep compassion for the suffering of any fellow creature and often felt others’ pain as if it were his own. He sympathized with the needy, the disadvantaged, the misfits of society. He was capable of giving selflessly, living a life of devoted and compassionate service to others, as a healer, physician, social worker, or minister. However, he tended to give indiscriminately, to let others take advantage of his kindness, and to encourage the weak to remain so by becoming dependent upon him. He had little sense of boundaries, of limits, of knowing when to say “no”. Moderation and self-discipline were not his strong points.
Cayce was a lover and a peacemaker rather than a fighter, and he tried to avoid open conflict. He would likely patiently ignore or “tune out” problems and hope they will go away by themselves, rather than directly confronting them, and he tended to lack the positive fighting spirit that is sometimes necessary to overcome challenges. He was fluid, open, nonresistant, and somewhat passive. He did things in a subtle, often covert, manner.
His gifts also have lied in the realm of the creative, artistic, or musical, for he had a great sensitivity, inspiration, and limitless imagination. He likely responded very strongly to beauty and to love.
Cayce’s faults included a tendency to be lazy and negligent, and to wallow in self-pity rather than taking strong, definite action to change his life for the better. He also tended to become so detached from his immediate environment that he lived in a disorderly, chaotic sort of hodgepodge, though this probably bothered those around him more than it bothered him.
Sun in 9th house:
World travel, foreign cultures, and studies which expanded his intellectual horizons and broadened his understanding of the world are very attractive to him.
Cayce had a philosophical turn of mind and was concerned with seeking answers to the big questions of life or getting the overview of any situation. Abstract concepts and/or plans for the future occupied his mind much of the time.
Sun Square Jupiter:
Cayce had big aspirations and the desire to succeed in life in a grand way. He tended to exaggerate, to promise more than is possible, and to misjudge through being overly optimistic. However, he never lost his hopes for the future. Restlessness and discontent with responsibilities and limitations in life could be troublesome for him.
Sun Conjunct Mercury/MC:
He had a harmonious balance between your body, soul and spirit. He likely enjoyed intellectual challenges from others, but tended to form his own mental attitudes and philosophies of life. He was interested in studying human nature and matters of health.
Sun Conjunct Saturn/MC:
Cayce’s courage to face life seems to have been a bit on the low side and he was prone to worry a lot. Fear of his own inadequacies could distort his perspective and deplete his strength to go on in the direction he chose.
Sun Conjunct N. Node/MC:
Maintaining contact with his friends and associates was very important to Cayce and he kept in touch with them through their shared interests. His friends were likely to be very supportive to him in everything he did.
Cayce’s Mental Interests and Abilities
Mercury in Pisces:
Cayce was more of a poet than a rational scientist, for his mind did not function in a strictly logical, linear fashion. The language of music, art, or poetry was natural to him, and he was also able to think in highly abstract and symbolic terms. Translating his thoughts and impressions into concrete, everyday language may have been difficult for him at times and consequently he may have appeared less intelligent or at least less quick-witted and verbal than others. This would have been especially true of him as a child, and he probably daydreamed a good deal also. Cayce was intuitive and able to sense what others’ thoughts and feelings were, even before they said anything to him. He often formed an opinion about a person or situation without much factual knowledge of them, and his impressions were usually correct. Cayce could be somewhat absent-minded and he became so immersed in his own thoughts that he overlooked things in his immediate, tangible environment. He was extremely open-minded and believed that anything is possible. Intangible or spiritual forces seemed just as real to him as anything in the concrete world. His imagination and his sympathetic understanding of other people were two of his greatest gifts.
Mercury in 8th house:
The mysterious and the unknown fascinated him and he investigated the supernatural or something that is hidden or taboo. He needed to know what was going on behind the scenes. Cayce was also deeply curious about or astute about economic, political, or social power, big business, and the motives and powers behind the social facade.
Moon Sextile Mercury:
Cayce had talent for establishing rapport and communicating with people, great personnel skills, and he was adept at dealing with the public. He communicated concern, interest, and the ability to listen, which encouraged people to open up and confide in him even if they do not know him well. He created closeness with others by talking to them (even gossiping will do), or by writing intimate, personal letters. Women felt he understood them.
Mercury Conjunct Venus:
He appreciated aesthetics and had a fine sense of form, design, and beauty. He could have developed considerable technical skill as an artist, designer, craftsman, or creative writer. Cayce could have also sold objects of beauty – artistic products, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
Cayce had the ability to please and harmonize well with others and tend to ameliorate relationships between people. His sense of humor, tact, and personal charm were of great benefit to him in any work with people on a one-to-one level.
Mercury aspects Venus and Mars:
He could also be very direct, even brutally frank, in the way he communicated.
Mercury aspects Moon and Mars:
Cayce’s desire to make a point sometimes overrided his receptivity to others’ views. He could be a good listener but often it was hard for him not to speak out.
Mercury Sextile Mars:
Cayce had a sharp tongue and ready wit, and enjoyed intellectual competition, problem solving, and demanding intellectual work. In a debate, he knew how to drive his point home. Cayce also possessed quick reflexes and dexterity and could be an excellent tennis or racquetball player. Any sport which involves a dynamic exchange between the players would have a suitable for him.
Mercury aspects Moon and Saturn:
Although he was perceptive and attuned to the personal, human side of any issue, he was also capable of considerable intellectual detachment and objectivity. Cayce combined the qualities of being subjective and intuitive with a rational, analytical approach. Cayce had an introverted frame of mind and he tended to dissect or deeply analyze his own and other people’s inner lives and experiences.
Mercury Conjunct Saturn:
His mind was serious and deep, and he would always offer an opinion on any matter until he had thoroughly considered and studied it. Cayce had excellent powers of concentration and enjoyed studying or thinking deeply in solitude. Cayce had an aptitude for research or doing mental work which requires precise, organized thinking, attention to detail, and a methodical approach. Cayce was conservative and something of a skeptic, and may have been narrow-minded and closed to new ideas, especially if there was no concrete proof or scientific verification of them. Socially, he was rather reserved, uncommunicative, and uncomfortable with light, frivolous conversation.
Mercury Conjunct Moon/Mars:
Cayce was impatient, a bit nervous and easily irritated. Although he was sensitive to criticism, he could also be insensitive to the feelings of others.
Mercury Conjunct Venus/N. Node:
Cayce had a strong desire to keep in contact with like-minded people and tended to discuss love problems with them. Cayce seemed to be especially drawn to children and young people and was always welcomed and appreciated by them.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter/Pluto:
Cayce had the ability to influence others to his way of thinking and could have done well in a propaganda campaign. Cayce thought in big dimensions and had a gift for speaking. Cayce was interested in subjects that encompassed a larger view of the world.
Mercury Conjunct Saturn/N. Node:
Cayce formed his own conclusion about things and may have had some difficulty in exchanging his thoughts and ideas with others, although they regarded his ideas as having a good foundation. Most of his conversations tended to have a serious overtone.
Cayce’s Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance
Moon in Taurus:
Cayce was even-tempered and peace-loving, he was not easily ruffled or given to emotional displays. Cayce had a calming effect on more high-strung or volatile people, and an emotional steadiness that others find soothing. Though gentle and not easily provoked, he was tremendously stubborn and will resist any change which requires an emotional adjustment, such as changes in his home life or marriage.
Cayce sought security and loyalty in love, was extremely devoted to his loved ones, and provided a warm, nurturing atmosphere for them. However, he tended to cling and seek to keep others from changing.
A great deal of physical affection, closeness, and touching was essential to his well-being, and he had a tendency to overindulge in sensual comforts and pleasures. At times he substituted food for emotional comfort and love.
Moon in 10th house:
Cayce worked well with the public and had an instinct for what the public wanted and would respond to. Having a “nest” was not especially important to him, and he may have invested more of his emotional energy into his career or public life than in his private life. Providing for and caring for others in a professional capacity was very likely.
Moon Trine Mars:
Cayce was assertive and confront difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. Cayce could not tolerate self-pity or passivity, and he could be rather brusque with others’ emotional problems. “Stop crying and DO something about it” might have been his motto.
Moon aspects Mars and Saturn:
Although he could get hot under the collar rather easily, he also had a certain degree of emotional self-control and composure which enabled him to rein in some of his more aggressive tendencies.
Moon Sextile Saturn:
Cayce was dedicated to the people he cared about and conscientious about meeting his responsibilities, especially to family. Family solidarity and cohesiveness were very important to him and so, therefore, were the traditions, rituals, and memories that keep the bonds strong.
Cayce was apt to do more than his fair share in the family, to go the extra mile, but this was satisfying rather than burdensome to him for the most part.
Venus in Pisces:
Tremendously soft-hearted and sympathetic, he gave very selflessly and devotedly to those he loved and often allowed others to become overly dependent upon him. More compassionate than passionate, he may have become romantically involved with someone because they needed love and he wanted to help them, rather than out of mutual pleasure or attraction.
Cayce was drawn to sensitive, imaginative, gentle souls -poets, musicians, dreamers – or to someone he felt he could have a deep spiritual relationship with. Cayce idealized love and had a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love could be.
Venus in 8th house:
Cayce craved very intense, deep, emotional relationships, and would even prefer a stormy, tumultuous relationship to one which is smooth but lacking vitality and passion. Cayce loved wholeheartedly and expected all-consuming, total devotion and attention from his partner. Casual, light relationships held no appeal for him.
Venus Conjunct Saturn:
Intimacy did not come easily to him and he may have appeared cold or unfeeling to others due to his emotional reserve and caution. Perhaps due to painful relationships and separations in his early life, he did not trust others very easily and it took a long time to take down all of his barriers and defenses. Cayce may have felt that he had few friends or people that really cared about him.
Venus Conjunct Mars/Pluto:
Cayce had a very erotic and sexual nature and often may have found himself drawn to another person by a kind of inner compulsion. Cayce could become quite obsessed by someone and had a tendency to control and manipulate his loved ones.
Cayce’s Drive and Ambition: How He Achieved His Goals
Mars in Capricorn:
Cayce was serious about his ambitions, and disciplined, dedicated, and tenacious in pursuing his objectives. His drive and energy was directed toward practical material accomplishment and achieving concrete results. Cayce also strived to be in a position of authority and social influence; he enjoyed being the person who is in command.
Cayce was hard-working and capable of foregoing immediate comfort in order to achieve his long-range goals. Cayce could easily become a workaholic and was very responsible and conscientious about doing a thorough job.
Realistic and pragmatic, he was an excellent strategist. Cayce attained success by formulating a conservative and workable plan and following through with it. Cayce was not a gambler when it came to attaining his goals; he depended on his own efforts and perseverance rather than good fortune. Cayce had a natural shrewdness and instinct for business or organizational management.
Mars in 6th house:
Cayce expected to work hard for anything he accomplish and he had no patience for people who didn’t pull their own weight. Work was a passion for he at times, and he pushed himself too hard. Cayce could be too demanding of the people he worked with also.
If his energy was not invested in a job or career, he could become a fanatic about his health, and he may have exercised or “worked out” vigorously and perhaps excessively.
Mars Sextile Saturn:
Conscientious, responsible, and serious about his work, he accomplished a great deal through his dedication. Cayce was the person who followed through, quietly sustained the effort, and kept on going in spite of tedium, setbacks, or dry spells. This was often the key to his success. However, he was humble about his accomplishments and contributions, and may thus not received the recognition or recompense he deserved.
Mars Square MC:
Cayce was intensely competitive, and may have engaged in furious battles of will, numerous conflicts, and possible public controversy, on his way to gaining his objectives. Cayce could be drawn to activities that were dangerous, in the line of fire, so to speak. Cayce put himself on the line. Anger or recklessness could be his downfall.
MC Conjunct Sun/Neptune:
Cayce was sensitive to everything around he and soaked up experiences like a sponge. Cayce needed to avoid becoming depressed when things did not go his way. Cayce also needed to overcome being somewhat timid and to build up his own self-image.
MC Opposition Jupiter/Asc.:
Cayce had a strong desire to acquire wealth and may had the good fortune to live in affluent circumstances. His pleasant and harmonious personality made him very popular, and he was like to have a large circle of friends.
Growth and Expansion: Areas That Cayce Enjoyed
Jupiter in Capricorn:
Cayce had an innate shrewdness, and the ability to develop a clear strategy and follow it carefully in order to reach his goals. Cayce also had a natural sense of order, structure, and self-discipline. Cayce was likely to excel, both because he was ambitious and because it is very important to he to do a professional job, no matter what field he was in, or how humble the task.
Jupiter in 6th house:
Cayce had a positive and constructive attitude toward work and what other people might consider drudgery. Cayce enjoyed helping people improve their lives, and the more service he rendered, the more benefits and rewards he found coming back to him. Promoting health in some manner was a very good avenue for him.
Jupiter Trine Neptune:
Cayce was very broad-minded and tolerant, and he had a rich, colorful imagination. Cayce did not struggle with life as much as most people; he was inclined to follow the path of least resistance.
Jupiter Opposition Moon/Uranus:
Cayce had good vision and foresight and his aspirations and objectives were likely to be aimed high. A certain element of luck seemed to surround him, and he was both lucky and successful in his enterprises.
Areas That Challenged Cayce Or Were Difficult For Him
Saturn in Pisces:
Cayce often had a sense of longing or homesickness for something he could not name or specify, and he may have had both a great attraction toward, and fear of, mysticism and parapsychology.
Overcoming feelings of fear, guilt, anxiety, loneliness, or over-sensitivity was an important task for him.
Saturn in 8th house:
Fear of the unknown, of change, and/or of death may have plagued him. Cayce strongly resisted changes and transitions rather than greeting them with curiosity or a spirit of adventure, which made them much harder for him.
On another level entirely, he was very careful about joining forces, and especially his material resources, with others. Cayce wanted to keep his own and other people’s property and assets very distinct.
Saturn Conjunct Mercury/Venus:
His attitude toward life was quite serious and he was very thorough. Cayce had the need to be by himself and think out everything very carefully before he take action. Cayce may have enjoyed doing some type of creative art work shaped from hard or heavy materials.
Saturn Conjunct Venus/N. Node:
Around others he was somewhat humble and shy and preferred to be by hismelf. Cayce tended to limit his contact with others and associate only with like-minded people. Cayce was inclined to be cool and reserved even toward those he loved.
Saturn Conjunct Jupiter/Pluto:
At times circumstances seemed to be pushing against him, and he may have had to withstand severe challenges. Cayce probably had to work harder than others in order to succeed, turning him hard and cold-hearted in his decisions because of it.
Unconcsious Patterns of Behavior Which Cayce Would Instinctively and Habitually Revert To When Under Stress
Node in Pisces:
Cultivating the qualities of empathy, gentleness, and compassion would have help counterbalance his deeply ingrained perfectionism and critical nature. When under stress, he was apt to try to rigorously analyze and to focus on what needed to be corrected or improved, and he could easily become problem-oriented, losing sight of the big picture and of what is working.
Node in 8th house:
Cayce was most likely to wrestle with these issues in relationships that were more than superficial or casual – in particular where he and another had merged emotionally, legally, or financially. Cayce would have seen these issues arise in close partnerships of any kind, especially when there was a mutual dependency on one another. Dealing with in-laws, inheritances, and legal matters involving joint custody, shared assets, and resources was also a part of this.
Node Conjunct Mercury:
“Work smarter, not harder” might have been a motto for him. Writing, teaching, recording, transcribing, dialoguing, negotiating, mediating, communicating, or facilitating clear communication would be significant activities for him to pursue.
Node Conjunct Venus:
Learning to give and receive affection, love, and pleasure would have been beneficial to Cayce. Learning to respond to, appreciate, and create beauty, art, harmonious surroundings and relationships. Being aware of aesthetics and doing things in a gracious, pleasing manner. Enjoying life, nurture friendships, and cultivating his ability to love and to receive love.
Node Conjunct Saturn:
Developing self-discipline and learn to handle responsibility better would have benefitted Cayce. He shouldered an inordinate amount of responsibility and burdens which at times limit his activities and opportunities in life. This was a maturing and ultimately strengthening process, however. Cayce was also likely to be given positions of tremendous responsibility, whether he really wanted such job or not, usually because he had made real effort and some sort of substantial contribution.
There may have been considerable obstacles in his path – more adversity than others seem to face – and his task was to learn to understand pressure and persevere.
Node Conjunct Moon/Mars:
Cayce cooperated with others in a vigorous and energetic way. His motto seems to have been “one for all and all for one”, and he felt strongly connected with others. In fact, he looked upon other people as necessary for a worthwhile life.
Originality and Imagination
Areas Where Cayce Was Creative, Unique, Unstable, or Compulsive
Uranus in 1st house:
Cayce was an unconventional and innovative person, and he was seen as a rebel, reformer, or highly unusual in his manners, appearance, or attitudes. Cayce enjoyed being unpredictable, and he did not conform to the standards that other people had set. Above all, he was an individual, and he did what he pleased regardless of customs and norms. His environment and life circumstances may have changed frequently and abruptly.
Neptune in 10th house:
Cayce was a very idealistic person, and he want to see his ideals, hopes, and dreams made concrete and real in the everyday world. Cayce was driven to put his ideals into action.
When young he may have been rather aimless or confused about his place in the world. In early adult life it is likely that he struggled to find ways to express his imagination, fantasies, and ideals in his career. Work that involved compassionate service (such as medicine or the ministry) may be his calling. If he lacked personal integrity and honesty, he quickly went to the opposite extreme and he could con others through dishonesty and trickery. Music, art, film-making or entertainment was also areas in which he was well-suited.
Pluto in 11th house:
Cayce may have had a deep aversion to groups, associations, clubs, or organizations of any kind. Any such group he became involved in is likely to be either for intense personal growth, change, and healing, or centered around social change and revising society in some manner.
Neptune Conjunct Pluto/MC:
Cayce was inclined to be very imaginative and likely to have occasional clairvoyant visions. But he should beware of strange pursuits that could lead him on the wrong path and eventual disappointments.
Pluto Conjunct Venus/Asc.:
Cayce seemed to had a powerful influence on everyone and others was strongly attracted to him. Cayce had a great need for attention or flattery and may have been a bit fanatic in love. His love experiences were likely to be very deep and intense.
Generational Influences: Cayce’s Age Group
The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Cayce’s Age Group
Pluto in Taurus:
Cayce was part of a 30-year group of people who were highly motivated by practical concerns. There was a very strong psychological need to feel that there is a firm foundation and a solid basis for one’s life. There was an irresistible urge to make sure that the basics were taken care of and everything was built on a solid foundation. Consequently, his generation worked hard to improve the economy, ensure adequate food supplies, maintain and build roads and buildings, increase productivity, and develop other facilities that were essential foundations for a healthy, thriving economy.
There was a strong tendency to measure the value of something by its utilitarian value. For example, in education and research the emphasis was on ideas of practical value and there was little support for more purely theoretical research.
His generation was pragmatic and productive, and was driven by a need to build and DO things. This concern with practical affairs often becamesunbalanced, and a rampant materialism with little regard for humanitarian, ethical, and spiritual values often developed in his age group.
There was also a strong sensual craving in his age group, and a great deal of emphasis was placed on physically comfortable surroundings and good food. Romance was particularly important to his age group, and a great emphasis was also placed on the physical attractiveness of the opposite sex.
A small minority of members of his age group were likely to be uncomfortable with the practical and materialistic atmosphere of the times, and consequently became alienated and antagonistic towards the social norm.
Uranus Square Pluto:
Cayce was also born during a period that lasted approximately 7 years and was characterized by extreme restlessness and an impatient, dynamic attitude towards life. Cayce was part of a group of people who could be agent provocateur for the counter cultural forces that demanded change and progress in society. Cayce did not tolerate being restricted by authority , and his age group rebelled with force and anger against oppressive situations.
The Ideals and Illusions of His Age Group
Neptune in Taurus:
Cayce was part of a 14-year group of people that was very practical and down-to-earth in their religious philosophy and spiritual outlook. His age group incorporated its ideals and visions into everyday life, and investd more time and energy than other generations did in beautification projects, developing parks and recreation areas, and preserving beautiful or unique natural wildlife areas. Building construction was also done with careful attention to the aesthetic quality, and his generation found it difficult to understand how other age groups could erect buildings with so little aesthetic appeal.
His age group did not speculate a great deal about spiritual and metaphysical matters. Cayce was more involved in utilizing his imagination and intuition in practical, artistic ways rather than exploring metaphysical issues. Some of the art and music of his generation is among the world’s most beautiful.
What is New and Different in Cayce’s Age Group
Uranus in Leo:
Cayce was part of a 7-year group of people who were unusually self-willed, and inwardly self-assurred. Cayce was part of a group that defied authority and insisted on having its own way. Parents and school teachers found that it was extremely difficult to discipline his age group. Governments that were repressive to individual expression and freedom met a great deal of resistance from his age group, and he tended to rise up against any form of tyranny and oppressive rule.
Photographs used by permission courtesy of the Edgar Cayce Foundation – Virginia Beach, Virginia
More information on a Birth Chart Recitifcation Consultation by William Stickevers.
Great job!!
Thanks, Sandye!
Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology.
There must have been at leat a few more people born exactly in the same area and at the same time? Would they be having the same credentials as Edgar Cayce?
It’s possible.
Only one problem when it comes to rectifications, they are often wrong, although logically makes a lot of sense too so we tend to talk ourselves into it and read the houses likewise, with the logic it makes to us as individuals.
He gave himself a reading (in a trance state) to verify the actual time because of his parents and eventually even an astrologer who said the chart’s details made no sense to her. Anyway, the reading, his higher source said that he was born: “3 minutes past 3 o’clock” Sun descending on the wane, Moon in the opposite side of the Earth (old moon); Uranus at the zenith”. (ultra in his actions) Reading # 254-2 is far too lengthy to post, I probably did so however in my Kindle Book “Expanding on the Astrology of Edgar Cayce” by D.M.Hoover if anyone wants to see the chart.
@Grandmom: Reading 254-2 is cited in paragraph #3 of my article, under the heading “Edgar Cayce’s Birth Time”.
Oh, good then you know the actual time of his birth (from that particular reading I have in front of me) which is a very long reading, reads “3 min. past 3 o’clock” and the ASC is 22 Leo, with the MC 15 Taurus. This is where you find the Moon btw, at 12 Taurus, or “on the wane” His Sun at 28 Pisces in the 8th, and a crowded 7th hs. (Saturn and Venus near the cusp of the 8th) in the 7th. I just saw where you mentioned the incorrect time of birth and thought it best to alert you to this so you can redo the chart.
Quote (excerpted) from 254-2 “As in this body here [Edgar Cayce] born March 18, 1877, three minutes past three o’clock, with the Sun descending, on the wane, the Moon in the opposite side of the Earth (old moon), Uranus at its zenith, hence the body is ultra in its actions. Neptune closest in conjunction or Neptune as it is termed in Astrological survey, in the ninth house; Jupiter, the higher force of all the planets, save the Sun, in descendency, Venus just coming to horizon, Mars just set, Saturn – to whom all insufficient matter is cast at its decay – opposite the face of the Moon. Hence the inclination as the body is controlled by the Astrological survey at the time of the birth of this body, either (no middle ground for this body) very good or very bad, very religious or very wicked, very rich or always losing, very much in love or hate, very much given to good works or always doing wrong, governed entirely by the will of the body. Will is the educational factor of the body; thence the patience, the persistence, the ever faithful attention that should be given to the child when it is young” [GD’s note: I believe above birth data was volunteered because Mr. Thrash did not accept birth data from EC and parents.]
Mars is trine his Moon, so the reading reads from a strictly astronomical point of view, not our simple charts as we read them today. I thought that was fascinating myself.
Thanks for pointing that out for me, btw; William Stickevers. I checked that portion you highlighted in green, and found this at the very bottom under “notes: updated 1972” (Cayce died in 1945. I haven’t yet looked at a 2:30 PM chart, so it may be interesting in light of all the confusion after all. I think we’d agree at least that as a mutable Pisces, Mr.Cayce was sometimes influenced by others and perhaps as Gladys points out here the astrologers sitting in at the time, may have inadvertently influenced him . He was a strange person. Laurie Pratt was one astrologer mentioned who took issue with the original birth time he gave:
11/27/72 GD’s note: No astrologer ever was satisfied with any of the hours specified for his birth, so I would think that the original 2:30 P.M. one was the correct one, since it was not wavered by anyone’s questioning of the time. I notice that in Thomas Sugrue’s article in the March, 1947 ASTROLOGICAL REVIEW, he uses 3:20 P.M. for Edgar Cayce’s chart. So, apparently, there was quite a bit of fluctuation by Edgar Cayce himself in reporting his birth time, due to being influenced by different astrologer’s who tried to set it at a different point. See Thomas Sugrue’s article Par. R23 below, March, 1947.
Merci pour votre article sur Edgar Cayce
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