Prediction: Get ready, the next “Da Vinci”/Einstein is coming to a theater near you! Except he will be American, born between late 1968 through mid-1969, and will publish a ground breaking scientific work the will be will shatter the current scientific set of models and create a unexpected revolutionary change in human thought.
The current Jupiter-Uranus alignment in the sky, a world transit, coincided with those people born in late 1968 and through mid-1969, with the once in a transit of Uranus opposition Uranus. Jupiter and Uranus both crossed their natal Uranus at the same time. This was in fact the same extraordinary planetary convergence of personal and world transits that happened with both Galileo and Descartes, and most notably Einstein. In each case their great scientific breakthroughs were celebrated and disseminated into the larger public when the Jupiter-Uranus world transit precisely coincided with the individual Uranus-opposition-Uranus personal transit.
Ah thank you… I’ve been trying to find something progressive to look for with this. Good stuff. 🙂