Annular Solar Eclipse – September 1, 2016

Annular Solar Eclipse – Sep 01, 2016 Washington, D.C.

Annular Solar Eclipse - Sep 01, 2016


The Annular Solar Eclipse on September 1st, 2016 at 9° 21′ Virgo will likely be a major watershed event for those nations and world leaders that get energized by it.  For this eclipse will be making a number of challenging aspects, making it very strong and compelling in its impact on the world stage. The Eclipse makes an opposition to Neptune, square to both Mars and Saturn,  and a sesquiquadrate to Uranus.

Saturn-Neptune Square

The Saturn-Neptune square alignment that has been active on the world since Fall of 2014 is associated with

  • chronic social stagnation,
  • protracted and debilitating situations,
  • partisan political malaise,
  • lack of clarity in national leadership,
  • growing unemployment,
  • chronic underemployment, and
  • the rise of collectivist solutions for many nations intractable problems.

Economically, Saturn-Neptune is historically associated with

  • deflation,
  • distorted markets,
  • artificially suppressed interest rates,
  • massive capital misallocation,
  • lack of price discovery,
  • back-door bailouts, and
  • financial bubbles.

So any distressed financial institutions and over leveraged market is likely face major difficulties, resulting in defaults and major market corrections.

Politically, Saturn-Neptune is historically linked with

  • scandal and
  • major reversals in power in political leadership often due to scandalous revelations.

Therefore, we can expect continued revelations and exposure of political corruption at the highest levels of government leading up to the General Election.

Mundane Horoscopes and the Sept. 1st Eclipse

A number of mundane horoscopes, including the natal chart of Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey, Hillary Clinton (8:06 AM birth time), and the nations of Italy, Greece, and the USA Sibly Horoscope, will be energized and impacted by this eclipse.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and the Eclipse

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (born on February 26, 1954, at 4:25 AM in Istanbul, Turkey) has been the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey since March 14, 2003. The September 1st 2016 Solar Eclipse makes a direct hit to Erdogan’s natal Sun by opposition. As students of mundane astrology know, eclipses conjunct or opposite the Sun, Ascendant or Midheaven are very powerful. Eclipses on the Sun of national leader gives power, however eclipses opposing the Sun will take power away.  Therefore, with this eclipse we can expect another major political shake-up in Turkey with the prospect of Erdoğan falling from power in the coming months ahead.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Horoscope

Hillary Clinton and the Eclipse

Hillary Clinton 8 AM Horoscope

Democratic Nominee for President Hillary Clinton (born on October 26, 1947, at 08:06 AM in Chicago, Illinois) also has the September 1st Solar Eclipse within striking distance to her natal Midheaven (4 degrees’ orb, within the 5-degree orb range). Her 6 Pisces Midheaven, along Solar Arc Uranus at 6 Pisces, and Progressed Mars at 7 Pisces, will be activated and energized.

Bi-Wheel Hillary Clinton - Solar Eclipse Sept 1st 2016Transiting Neptune will be directly opposing the Hillary’s Uranus/Ascendant midpoint and opposing her progressed Mars, indicating that we can expect sudden undermining revelations and developments as a result of former associations with foreign countries, along with a modest but significant loss of political momentum that set up the prospect of a major shakeup in her Presidential campaign team and strategy as the General Election begins to ramps up.

Clinton’s Presidential Campaign

The eclipse testimonies do not augur well for a successful prosecution of national campaign, as the country remains in persistent bad moon in such an unpredictable political year. The testimonies from the eclipse also indicate that Hillary’s campaign will remain in defensive mode and “off-message” with undecided voters, as anxiety grows within her base. The testimonies also augur that she will be unable to effectively distinguish herself from her unorthodox political rival Donald Trump who is more effective at capturing media attention and dominating the headlines and internet activity on almost daily basis.

Also, another concern facing Team Clinton will be the increasing voter enthusiasm gap as the campaign heads into the fall — Trump got more votes in the GOP primary than any candidate in history, while Hillary received fewer votes than she did in 2008 when she lost against Barack Obama.

The eclipse testimonies also indicate that we can expect further shocking revelations from Wikileaks, as founder Julian Assange told CNN this week that his website will release “a lot more material” that could negatively impact the election for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary is treading a different path toward the White House than her past three predecessors: Barack Obama, George W. Bush and her husband Bill Clinton, whom all presented themselves as agents of change in seeking the White House. The last president to be in a place similar to Clinton’s was George H.W. Bush, who was effectively seeking a third-term extension of the Reagan presidency. The eclipse hit to Hillary’s Midheaven along with other transits, indicates that she will have problems with reunifying a very diverse electorate (like Barack Obama effectively did in 2008), requiring her to dramatically change strategy and “core message” to voters midstream. This will be necessary in order to defend her base in the 7 Key Battle Ground States, as the craving for change continues to grow and intensify within the nation.

At the very least we can expect the eclipse to weaken and diminish Hillary’s iconic status which is the only clear advantage she has in the Democratic Party and her voter base. If her position is weakened going forward, her entire “left-of-center” Obama coalition risks collapse. However, most political pundits do not see this as a real possibility.

But the eclipse portents signify that Hillary’s prospects are more like “boom or bust” as the General Election campaign goes into its homestretch in late October.

U.S. Horoscope and the Eclipse

The September 1st Solar Eclipse makes a direct hit to the U.S. natal Ceres and Uranus and the Sibly ASC Degree (United States of America, July 4th 1776 5:10:59 LMT, Philadelphia, PA). The Eclipse occurs in the Mundane 9th House. This house is therefore connected to foreign relations. Therefore, it’s possible we may see the emergence of a foreign policy crisis that could take place during the course of the U.S. General Election. The Mars-Saturn conjunction of the Eclipse chart sits right on the Sibly Ascendant opposing natal Uranus.

Bi-Wheel USA Sibly and the Annular Solar Eclipse - Sep 01, 2016

According to astrologer Charles Jayne, the Eclipse will activate and manifest its archetypal power 90 days prior and remain in effect for at least 6 months afterward. On August 23, the Mars-Antares-Saturn conjunction at 8 degrees of Sagittarius will square the Eclipse point, acting as a trip-hammer setting off a daisy-chain burst of explosive and forceful archetypal energy on the world stage. The results of which will be disruptive to the status-quo and the pervasive normalcy bias that has infected much of the populace and collective.

U.S. Economy and the General Election

Thus we can expect a disruption in the exchange markets and deflationary developments in the general economy. Therefore, we can expect a major downward revision of U.S. GDP growth rate, indicating that the U.S. economy will be barely hanging on by its fingernails from falling into a full-blown recession. This will have a bearish impact on the stock market, and will dampen Hillary’s campaign prospects when it becomes clear that President Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent. Thus we can anticipate with the eclipse making multiple hits on the U.S. Sibly Horoscope that things are likely take a sharp turn down in the coming months, having a major impact on middle-class families, which may be enough to cost the Democrats the General Election.

Saturn-Neptune and the U.S. Economy

The ongoing Saturn-Neptune square alignment that is a main component of this eclipse indicates that we will see a major reversal in sentiment on the part of investors and financial institutions as it becomes clear that secular growth stocks and funds cannot outrun a stagnant, dysfunctional, and deflationary economy. Therefore, we will likely witness a change in emotional sentiment of extreme greed that has driven the markets over the past several years, to be replaced swiftly by extreme fear.

Therefore, we may witness the dramatic collapse of the Exchange Markets along with a
a liquidity crisis (Saturn-Neptune) that will expose the long-running central bank con job of where central banks buy public debt from the inventories of the 23 prime dealers and other market speculators or directly from the U.S. treasury, along with the monetization of the public debt, in order to keep the  markets artificially propped up since the end of the Great Recession in June of 2009.

Deutsche Bank and the Eclipse

The Eclipse will also make a direct hit on horoscope of Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank AG, founded 146 years ago (January 22, 1870 Berlin, Germany), is a German global banking and financial services company with its headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers in Frankfurt. It has more than 100,000 employees in over 70 countries, and has a large presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and the emerging markets. In 2009, Deutsche Bank became the largest foreign exchange dealer in the world with a market share of 21 percent. Also, the company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 Stock Market Index.

Deutsche Bank AG Horoscope

The eclipse opposes the Deutsche Bank Venus at 10 Pisces. The eclipse also conjuncts Deutsche Bank Solar Arc Neptune. Transiting Neptune is also conjunct Venus, and both Mars and Saturn squares it as well. As noted earlier the effect of Solar Eclipses are noticeable 90 days prior to the event, and we can see this action with the Deutsche Bank’s announcement of major fall in revenue and income. Deutsche Bank’s share price fell by 5.3 percent in early trading on July 27th after it announced second-quarter net income was down 98 percent from the same period in the previous year, to 20 million euros ($22 million).

As it approaches its 5th Saturn Return that will occur near the Total Solar Eclipse of August 2017, Deutsche Bank’s balance sheet fell some 48 percent.  Deutsche Bank shares now trade for two-thirds less than tangible book value which is a steeper discount than even during the depths of the financial crisis. Also, Deutsche Bank is sitting on a large pile of non-performing loans and has $72.8 trillion in derivatives contracts — an amount that is twenty times greater than German GDP — and has a leverage ratio of 40:1. Keep in mind that Lehman at the time of its collapse in September 2008, had a leverage ratio of 31:1.

The Solar Eclipse augurs that Deutsche Bank’s could be the first Too Big To Fail bank to collapse since 2008. This would result in a massive liquidity crisis in Europe and across the globe and to an unwinding of the derivatives.  However, unlike the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, in which the Western Central banks were able to contain (due to the $16 trillion in bailout funds injected into the banks worldwide by the Federal Reserve), a failure of Deutsche Bank would trigger a systemic banking contagion the likes of which the world has never seen.


  • I am more committed to the truth and outcome of political contest than my own political expectations or preferences.
  • I call it as I see it, not as I want it.
  • I have been a registered Independent since 1984.
  • I am a political atheist; I don’t believe in political parties.

19 thoughts on “Annular Solar Eclipse – September 1, 2016”

  1. Bravo! Well written, Steve… you’ve explained in detail my uneasy intuitive flashes that I get when meditating on these eclipse charts… and yeah, things are going to change… willy nilly… and big time.

  2. Danica Cordell-Reeh

    Succinct and well presented

    Danica Cordell-Reeh Associate RE Broker Office: 212.381.2343 Mobile: 917.353.2107

    Sent from my iPad

  3. Been waiting for this! The over-inflated egos of business need to learn a big lesson. But Trump winning the Presidency is too frightening to comprehend! Australia may be far away enough hopefully.

  4. Sherry Abrahamson

    Excellent article. I have been waiting for an analysis of this eclipse as I have been anticipating it for several years. Thank you for adding in the time, date, and place of all the charts you used. So many writers do not and I enjoy being able to cast the charts in my astrology program to see what you are seeing.

  5. Nice read William and good mundane coverage of the annular eclipse in September – especially with the relevant signature transits on Erdoğan, Clinton, the U.S. economy and Deutsche Bank as we have forecasting on on Facebook.

    Also glad to see mention of the Mars-Antares-Saturn conjunction and the Saturn-Neptune world square this August 2016.

    Will be back on Global Astrology soon after completion of my first draft book on global cooling; so it is nice to see another mundane astrologer picking up the slack on global events and world transits.

    Great delineations and mundane forecasting William!

    1. Thank you Theodore! Look forward to reading that book! Its clear things are not going to turn out the way most astrologers forecasted, and the next shoe is ready to drop, as you already know. With Global Cooling coming in 2017 all bets are off!

  6. You’ve given Pisces placements for Hillary’s MC, Progressed Mars and SA Uranus – they are all Virgo in opposition to transiting Neptune. It’s a pretty wide orb for the MC conjunction since most have her time at 8:02 am. What’s more interesting are the aspects Trump’s charts make to eclipse. The The Sun/Moon conjunction is conjunct his Neptune/Pluto midpoint, square his Sun/MC midpoint, Moon/MC, midpoint and square transiting Mars/Saturn. SA Black Moon Lilith is also playing at 12 Sag. Sounds like some serious mud wrestling to take place. With his SA South Node also there at 17 Sag – my sense is that the campaign goes down a slow drain.

  7. Pingback: Link di astrologia mondana, H. Clinton, Erdoghan, Deutsche Bank | Blog Materiali dell’Associazione Federigo II Svevia

  8. the eclipse is preceded by the merc retro at 29 virgo … the eclipse is smack on sander’s mc and i hope he makes a brilliant career intiative like changing his mind (merc retro) on hrc support and going 3rd party? … i use a 7:28 am chart for hillary (tho the 8 oclockish’s merc in 12th has to be considered) which puts the degree of the lunar eclipse on her nadir, opposing bill’s sun and donald trump’s mars … the following lunar a few degrees off her pisces moon …. this screams to me clinton family foundation … but donald’s too focused on ben gahzi and probably too implicated in the cff

  9. Pingback: Hillary’s Debate Performance Was Not Good Enough to Stop Her Slide in the Polls | WILLIAM STICKEVERS

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