astrology and history

The Unfolding Tapestry of History: Tracing X-Events Through the Centuries

Since the dawning of the 5th Century, the canvas of history has been marked by a consistent pattern of significant occurrences, events that we will henceforth term “X-Events”. These X-Events, extraordinary and unanticipated, have had the power to alter the course of history. Often occurring in the second decade of each century, X-Events have had […]

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The Alleged Horoscope of Jesus

Many modern church historians are in agreement that Christ began his ministry during the month of October in 29 A.D. -“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near”, during in the 15th year of the Emperor Tiberius’ reign. Second Century Christian scholars, such as Irenaaus, said that Jesus “was beginning to be about thirty years of age”

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